This post is a list of updates made to The Hunger Games.
New to the game? Check out How to Play the Hunger Games!
🔑 Key for patch note entries
New: A new feature was added to the game
Change: A feature was adjusted, either numerically or in behavior
Fix: An unintentional behavior was corrected
Removed: A feature or behavior was removed from the game
Hotfix: A feature was changed or corrected shortly after the update was released
Most Recent Update
Baby Wolf Mutt Pets - March 4th, 2022
Adopt your own baby wolf mutt pet in the Capitol Shop for 250 Robux!
Buy the “Wolf Mutt Pet” game pass here!
As an owner of a baby wolf mutt, you enjoy the following benefits:
- You can give it a custom name in the Capitol Shop! Be aware that it must be appropriate to pass Roblox’s built-in filtering.
- It will mirror your basic emotes like “/e cheer”
- It follows you around and jumps when you jump
- If it’s too far away, it’ll teleport to you
- Never dies and doesn’t interact with any weapons; it has no gameplay effects whatsoever
- There’s even a little Easter egg
Past Updates
Return of the Spear - February 22nd, 2022
This classic weapon makes its return as a raycasting projectile weapon!
- Damage: 45
- Reload: 1.5s
- Throw speed: 90 (For comparison: Bow is 225 and Kunai is 175)
- Slows by -10 for 1.5s
- Recipe: 4 Ă— Stick + Rock
- Can be found in the Cornucopia and Caves, randomly
- Try it out in the Training Room!
Other Gameplay Updates
Change: Bow, Kunai, and Poison Kunai now slow by -8 for 0.4s.
Change: Equipping a ranged weapon no longer starts it off on cooldown if you have NOT fired any ranged weapon since the current ranged weapon’s reload time.
- This allows you to equip a ranged weapon and instantly attack, without enabling projectile spam
through tool swapping.
- This allows you to equip a ranged weapon and instantly attack, without enabling projectile spam
Fix: The walls around the Lobby and Training Room have been made extra thick, although they will still look the same.
New: Crafting recipe for the Spear (see above)
Change: Crafting a Club requires
3→2 Stick. -
Change: Crafting a Sword requires
3→2 × Rock + 1 × Club -
Change: Crafted items are equipped immediately, rather than going to the backpack.
Change: Doing a crafting recipe now closes the crafting window immediately and shows a toast message.
Fix: Crafting recipes now considers what you have equipped, rather than just what is in your backpack.
Fix: Crafting no longer has a tiny delay before you giving you the crafted item(s).
New: Arena biomes now use different skies, some randomized. A few biomes still use the default sky.
Change: Fog is changed so it looks better overall with the new skies.
- Daytime fog color is defined by the sky so it matches better.
- Fog is less visible in the lobby (fog start changed from 0 to 85).
- Visibility improved over long distances (fog end pushed out from 900-1200 to 1000-1500).
Fix: Daytime fog color is now applied correctly at all times, not just during a round. Sometimes this caused a strange “blink” at the start of the round.
Interface & Other
New: Level-up popup, with a jingle
New: The Reaping now shows your Display Name, Level, Rank and Career status.
Change: Cooldown indicator now shows tenths place at all values below 10s, and no longer does weird rounding.
Change: End-of-game sound is now a much quieter orchestral interlude (old one may be a toggle in the future)
Touch Device Update - September 17th, 2021
Mobile Additions
New: A Shift Lock switch is added to the top left, near the chat button. (It’s the target reticle icon above)
New: A Drop Tool button is added to the top right, near the ellipses (…) button. (It’s the hand with a down arrow above)
- This button only appears for tools that are actually droppable. So, Training Room weapons and certain premium upgrades won’t show it.
New: It is now possible to move the camera while holding a projectile weapon (Kunai, Bow).
Change: You now need to double-tap to fire projectile weapons.
Training Room Improvements
Change: Training Bots received the following modifications:
- They now have 300 health and can be killed, respawning 3 seconds after dying. Before, they had an arbitrarily large amount of health.
- Instead of constantly healing, the bots now fully regenerate their health 6 seconds after the last damage taken.
- The wander radius has been increased, so they’ll walk for longer between stops.
- They’ll jump slightly less often, and there’s a minimum time between jumps.
Fix: Bots won’t randomly stop roaming because they gave up while walking.
Minor Fixes & Improvements
Change: Close (“X”) buttons now use the times symbol (×) instead of the letter X. It just looks cleaner.
Fix: Game Menu buttons no longer overflow their window.
Fix: The Crafting window button has been moved up so it doesn’t overlap the Game Menu button, which got resized in a previous update.
Fix: Minor issue that sometimes caused compass reticles to bug out.
Fix: Minor issue with in-world text pop ups for Sponsor and Betting Points when the character wasn’t spawned for some reason.
Fix: Minor issued that would cause the Help window tabs to not expand. (It still sometimes happens for some reason…)
To check if you’re playing on an updated server, go to Roblox Menu → Help, then check the place version at the bottom is greater than or equal to 290
Capitol Shop Update – August 20th, 2021
Hint: You can also read about this update on my website, →
Capitol Shop
- Open via the button at the top or in the Game Menu (new).
- Using a tab interface, it includes almost all of the existing game passes and products.
- Completing any purchase immediately grants you the benefits, with a couple technical exceptions.
- Opens after you respawn if you are killed, but doesn’t do this too often.
Fix: Lunging rapidly (within 0.6s) with multiple swords no longer allows for infinite float/hover: instead, you’ll now float downard. Lunging with only one sword is unchanged.
Change: Consumables that lower HP now only reduce it to 5 instead of 0. Nightlock excepted, of course!
Change: Chocolate have been made slightly bigger.
Change: Melon was too good at everything, so it’s adjusted to be good at Thirst:
- Bites: 6→5
- Thirst per bite: 4→6 (total: 24→30)
- Hunger per bite: 2→1 (total: 12→5)
- Health per bite: 6→3 (total: 36→15)
Change: Traps arm slower, but can be used more often:
- Fade delay: 0s→1s
- Fading time: 1.5s→1s
- Total arming time: 1.5s→2.0s
- Cooldown: 15→10s
- Now place more in front of the character
Fix: Baits are now welded right-side-up using modern constraints.
Fix: Baits for traps which imitated tools work correctly again.
Change: Most interfaces have been made consistent, darker, sleeker with a short open animation.
Change: Game Menu button made slightly bigger.
Change: Enabled the
command for role-play. -
Change: Game announcements are labelled with a yellow circle
and are now colored entirely light yellow.
To check if you’re playing on an updated server, go to Roblox Menu → Help, then check the place version at the bottom is greater than or equal to 289
UI Update (Part 3) – April 23rd, 2021
Hint: You can also read about this update on my website, →
New: The Help window is modernized and updated! The content is revised for accuracy and switching tabs is easier.
- Like the News window, you are told how to reopen the window once it is closed for the first time. Just in case you click through it too easily.
- Players who are new to the Hunger Games are shown this window automatically instead of News.
- FYI, this isn’t a replacement for a complete first-time player experience. This is a small improvement before better improvements can be made.
New: The Reaping pop-up is modernized! Re-coded animations run super-smoothly and without acting strangely in some situations.
New: Hide button at the bottom right. Closes the interface immediately, in case you need your screen space back.
New: The Game Menu (bottom left) is redesigned with icons to help you find what you’re looking for faster.
New: The Mouseover text interface (the level/rank text on tributes) is modernized and redesigned with a short animation.
Fix: Accessories no longer block mouse-over text.
New: The Spectate feature now displays a tribute’s level, rank and Career status.
New: UI now goes all the way up to the top of the window, beyond where Roblox’s top bar used to be. Players with small screens will have a little more space to work with.
Melee Weapons
These changes are focused on making melee weapons more responsive, fairer and just a little nicer to use for players with not-great latency. It also addresses longstanding issues where latency could give you an advantage in some cases.
New: Melee weapons (swords, clubs, battleaxe, trident) have been re-coded from scratch. They work exactly the same, except for the following changes.
New: Melee weapon attacks (slashing, lunging) are now simulated locally, so they feel much more responsive.
Change: Melee weapons will deal damage at most once per click (although, not necessarily once per swing). Additionally, damage will not be dealt unless the weapon was swung somewhat recently.
Fix: Melee weapons now enforce a reasonable maximum distance at which they will deal damage. Hits by high-latency melee weapon wielders may be ignored in certain cases.
Change: The slash sound effect no longer has a short (0.45s) silence at the beginning. This causes it to play quicker, which makes the sword feel more snappy.
Change: A Gamemaker is selected after the 14th, 21st and 24th tributes are reaped (instead of after the 7th, 14th and 21st). You must now be at least level 5 to be chosen as a gamemaker.
Change: Once a Victor is declared, that tribute is fully healed (health, hunger, thirst) instead of being reset.
Removed: Since the Victor is no longer reset (killed), whoever they may have been fighting will no longer receive kill credit, and therefore will no longer get XP for a kill they did not technically earn.
Change: You now face the center of the Arena when you are spawned in.
Fix: The Rich Combat system has been re-coded from scratch. It works exactly the same, minus a memory leak that caused old servers to perform poorly.
Removed: Auto-saving is now disabled. Auto-saving used to occur every minute, but this is no longer necessary and was starting to cause issues. Don’t worry, your game data is still saved when you leave just like normal.
Fix: Implemented some temporary workarounds which should fix certain instances of automatically-sized UI elements not resizing properly. These may be disabled in a future hotfix, ideally after Roblox have finished fiddling with its behavior. Pardon the dust!
To check if you’re playing on an updated server, go to Roblox Menu → Help, then check the place version at the bottom is greater than or equal to 286
UI Update (Part 2) – April 9th, 2021
Hint: You can also read about this update on my website, →
New: “The Fallen” returns! Just as it was back in the day. Eliminated tributes are projected in the night sky for Tributes to see. You’ll get notified right before the presentation starts.
New: Sponsoring and Betting now use a brand-new graphical player selection interface, which makes it much faster to pick the tribute you want to sponsor or wager on.
Change: The following interfaces have been modernized to use the new unified back-end added in Part 1: betting, sponsorship, Sponsor note pouch
New: Report window: use this form if you encounter a cheater, toxic player, bug abuser, or other ne’er-do-well!
- You can open it from the Game Menu (bottom left).
- Select any of the given reasons (Cheating, Toxicity, Bug Abuse) and/or provide a custom reason - the more detail the better!
- Reports automatically include useful data such as recent chat messages.
- You can report players even if they leave the game.
- To send a report, you must be at least Level 2 (200 XP) and your account must be 7 days old. These values are subject to change.
- There are sensible limits on how often you can report. Spamming reports doesn’t accomplish anything!
- It’s not a replacement for Roblox’s report menu - you should still use that if someone’s breaking Roblox’s rules.
Change: Wolf mutts will growl less often. In general, packs of wolves will be less loud.
Fix: Various sounds that used to be in the game and audible are once again audible, including consumables, traps, kunai throwing, and training room teleporters
Fix: The volume of some loud sounds which were audible far away have been lowered, including wolf mutt growls
New: Throwing kunai (both poison and regular) now has an animation.
New: You can now “Read” the various buttons in the lobby (sponsor, gamemaker and betting rooms).
New: If you try to sponsor or place a wager before selecting a player, you’ll get a message saying you need to do that first.
Change: The passageways to the side rooms in the lobby have been widened.
Removed: The following redundant items given upon entering the Training Room are no longer given: Poison Kunai, Poison Sword, Club, Compass
Change: Wolf mutts will wait a minimum of
1→2.5 seconds before jumping and a maximum of2→5 seconds. -
Change: Bows are now much easier to pick up off the ground. While on the ground, bows won’t have an arrow nocked.
Fixes & Improvements
Fix: The “Spoil Food” disaster properly considers items on the ground for spoilage, including those dropped by tributes.
Fix: The opening cutscene now stops early if you die, which prevents the camera from freezing on-respawn.
Fix: Sponsor notes are added to the note pouch more efficiently.
Fix: Wolf Muttations now track down the nearest tribute more efficiently.
Fix: The following chat commands work more reliably:
To check if you’re playing on an updated server, go to Roblox Menu → Help, then check the place version at the bottom is greater than or equal to 284
UI Update (Part 1) – March 12th, 2021
Hint: You can also read about this update on my website,! →
New: Game interfaces now uses a unified and modern back-end. Updates will now be much easier. Absolutely nothing should look or feel any different, except that some windows won’t overlap.
New: Upgraded Spectate!
- More Info: Now shows name, health, hunger, thirst and kills.
- Fast Switching: While spectating, you can click tributes to switch between them.
- If the tribute is killed, you’ll spectate their killer automatically.
- If you are killed in-game, you will automatically spectate your killer until you respawn.
New: You can now read descriptions of most items in the Training Room! Uses ProximityPrompts and a new modal window.
New: Game News window! Find it in the Game Menu at the bottom left. It will also open automatically when you first join. It describes the latest game updates in a blog-like format. Woot!
Quality of Life
New: When the Spoil Food disaster happens, you will now receive a message describing which of your items have spoiled (if any).
New: Consuming something that wasn’t healthy will display a message about it.
Game Integrity
Change: Players no longer collide with each other. Tributes may still collide with each other while they are in the arena.
New: Tributes that have somehow escaped the arena will be placed back inside safely. For tributes that somehow got too high, they’ll no longer be killed.
New: Non-tributes that have somehow escaped the lobby will be placed back inside safely.
New: Under appropriate conditions, the game may restrict access to young accounts.
Various Fixes
Fix: Traps work even if the trap placer leaves or dies.
Fix: Projectiles and trails always eventually disappear.
Fix: Bread is now consumed properly.
commands are a bit smarter at selecting players. Just a bit. -
Fix: The following disasters now work as intended: flood, blizard, drought, spoil food
Fix: Melee weapons that can lunge won’t break unexpectedly under certain conditions.
Fix: The game won’t break if those spinny parts in the lobby suddenly disappear under mysterious circumstances.
Hotfix: Spectate wasn’t allowing non-tributes to spectate. It’s fixed in version 283 and higher.
To check if you’re playing on an updated server, go to Roblox Menu → Settings → Advanced and check the place version is greater than or equal to 283
Game Integrity Update (Part 5) – May 30 2020
Fix: Sponsored items now correctly spawn within sponsor balloons.
Change: Sponsor recipients will equip items directly into their hand when they pop their balloon (notes go to their backpack instead).
Change: All tributes can pop sponsor balloons, not just the recipient.
Change: Sponsor balloons and their contents despawn after
5→ 1 minute. -
Fix: Sponsor Balloons will now ding every 3 seconds, like they used to. Audible up to 40 studs.
Change: Famine reduces Hunger by
75→ 65, down to a minimum of10→ 12.
Fix: Wolf Muttations no longer deal damage after they have died.
Fix: All weapons now only do damage if both the attacker and victim are tributes, or if the victim isn’t a player. (Training room weapons no longer deal damage to tributes.)
Fix: The Dagger can now lunge again.
Fix: An unwelded part on the Trap has been re-welded.
To check if you’re playing on an updated server, go to Roblox Menu → Settings → Advanced and check the place version is greater than or equal to 273
Game Integrity Update (Part 4) – May 26, 2020
New: A message is now shown when you steal items by killing.
Fix: Killing someone properly steals the tool they were holding.
Fix: Tools now use modern constraints to stay together.
Fix: Ranged weapons now properly gives kill credit (XP, stealing tools, etc).
Fix: The most recent tribute to deal damage to someone who dies now properly is credited with the kill.
Fix: The compass no longer reveals tributes improperly when dropped.
Fix: The Dagger now uses the same melee system as other melee weapons in the game.
Fix: Poison Kunai now uses the correct tooltip and icon.
To check if you’re playing on an updated server, go to Roblox Menu → Settings → Advanced and check the place version is greater than or equal to 267
Game Integrity Update (Part 3) – May 24, 2020
Fix: Melee weapons will no longer do damage if the holder is dead.
Fix: Sponsoring yourself is no longer possible.
Fix: Teleporter to training room (upstairs lobby) no longer gives multiple sets of weapons
Fix: Whisper chat works again, among other default chat features.
Hotfix: The spear was accidentally re-released in an unfinished state. It has been removed.
Min. Version: 264
Game Integrity Update (Part 2) – May 22, 2020
Fix: Shop, Spectate, Help and About windows scale on small screens better!
Fix: Melee weapons cannot deal damage until they’ve been equipped for a moment. (AKA no “Sword swapping”)
Fix: Ranged weapons fire properly when picked up from ground.
Fix: Text is now properly filtered in sponsor notes.
Hotfix: The chat log was unintentionally hidden. It is now visible again.
Min. Version: 261
Game Integrity Update (Part 1) – May 21, 2020
Change: The Torch now heals
1% hp/s→ 1.5% hp/s -
Fix: Projectile weapons work properly upon respawning
Fix: Healing from the torch can no longer be stacked.
Fix: Reduced outlines on skybox texture
Fix: Certain faces no longer break the server
Min. Version: 251
Updates before the last one listed here have not been recorded.