HYPERDATA, the new datastore plugin similar to the scripting panel

HYPERDATA is a datastore plugin that resembles the scripting panel.
This plugin allows for both value and key editing, and table in table hierarchies.
The plugin is still in development and I will (hopefully) try to update progress of the plugin here.

You can get the plugin here:

Changelog is inside the plugin too.

Sample media:

Thank you so much for using this plugin~


Fixed a fatal bug where the plugin breaks upon using it
Please update.

Love the style. However, it would be best to put “,” before a new element/table so the distinction is easier, and the UI alignment needs to be fixed.
And you should move on to a better design for the menu. A small pop-up menu would be a lot better, and wouldn’t be a waste of space in my opinion.

And for the other things like the documentation, videos and pics are fine for the demonstration, but a detailed and a more professional description of what this plugin is, and what it does is a big requirement if you want this to succeed.

Also, here’s a feature idea: By default, when entered a datastore name, the plugin should display all the keys inside the panel, with a small snippet of the data attached to the key.

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Thank you for the feedback, I will add the comma at the end of the table brackets for better distinction.
For the small snippet of data, I want to use as little datastore requests as possible and might need to fix the menu panel first before planning on that.

Some other popular data store manager plugins are already doing a similar thing, you can do it like this:

[KEY: 188385949 - { Name = "Test", Id = 123, ... }]

The first two key & value pairs would be shown, others would get truncated.

Also, inside your plugin, I think there are two test samples that you forgot to delete.
(SampleKeyItem, SampleDataItem)

Lastly, if you wish, you can move on to a more modular system for the plugin system. This way, instead of writing the same functions constantly and increasing the risk of overusing the DataStore API, you can use a module function for important functions that will handle the API requests. This is up to you though, but I have to let you know that many professional and advanced plugins are using a modular system.

Good luck in development!

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Forgot to mention, you should also change the icon soon lol.

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A option to use the Scope in the Datastore section is now available. Please update the plugin to receive the new feature~

Does this have any feature('s) that sleitnick DataStore Editor doesn’t have?

The only thing I noticed was that you didn’t have the ability to change a key in sleitnick’s DataStore Editor, while the one I made was able to do it, but only on the same table branches.
I also noticed that I was missing features such as creating data or changing data to a number, string, table but I will push forward to making that happen.

A new update is out, please update the plugin to receive the new features!

  • You are now able to directly change the type of a data by rightclicking the row.
  • There are some display bugs in this new feature so be sure to save and refresh the panel after you are done editing.

A new update is out, please update the plugin to receive the new features!

  • You can now edit the keys of the datastore to anywhere, outside or inside other tables!
  • The plugin will automatically create new tables if you set a key to a destination with no existing tables.

A new update is out, please update the plugin to receive the new features!

  • There will be a new alert system prompting you to save your data
  • Ability to delete tables are now in effect

It would be cool to have a feature letting us save whole datastores and saving them as .csv files, Importing & Exporting datasotres would be a what would convince me to use this plugin tbh.

Even iffy would take a few minutes and have a threshold. I wouldn’t mind that.

Ill keep in mind of that in the future