Hyperlink in roblox?

Ok hear me out.

I am 99.99% sure that roblox doesn’t have a built in way to have hyper links, however is there any way this could be possible to replicate. I am wondering this because I just today made a search engine on roblox, however it would be much better/more useful if you could actually click on the links.

(Image of the search engine rn when I search my YouTube channel)

If you have any ideas or know anything I should know about this please let me know!

Game Link If You Want It: Open Web - Roblox
(EDIT - 2 years later: The search no longer works due to the API I used being gone, I might replace it or not. The Hyperlink method does still work tho)

Thank you!
-The Scripting Legend


Also guys adding on to my original post, if you know of a good html parser I can use then that would also work, don’t worry I would add site censoring to keep it appropriate.

I dont know if you can make post requests BUT my idea is that is gets a url shortener and shortens the link (of course lol) and shows it on the screen

Well as I mentioned, I’m not concerned about the display of the link as it is already fully displayed (you can scroll it if it’s long), however I want a hyperlink that would actually open this as a website OR a way to display the website in Roblox itself

this idea might be spamming in the devfourm but how about sending the link or shortent (english isnt my native lenguage) link by the devfourm like in the bulletin board

like the message will be
@(person who asked the link) here is your (hyper text) link

No hyperlinks are not currently possible through roblox to answer your question.

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However adding on to this-

I don’t know what you would even do but if you did your own research I’m sure it would be possible.

If you had the user pre-connected to a website and linked to their roblox account you could requests to your API from roblox to redirect them to the website.

Hope this helped.

Well I really don’t need it it’s more just for a fun side projects and YouTube video, also thanks for your idea I will try that tomorrow.

Also yes I did a lot of research and everything did say it’s not a thing (at least with no work around) that’s why I said 99.99% sure it’s not

You can’t have these links in your game. The only allowed links on Roblox “are roblox.com links, youtube.com links, twitter.com links, and twitch.tv links, No other links are allowed. Posting any other links will result in further moderation actions.”


While this is a neat project, this almost certainly violates Roblox’s terms of service. I recommend continuing this project interesting outside of Roblox by making your own website with a search engine.

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Well as I said this “project” was mostly just for a cool YouTube video on my Roblox scripting channel.

Well I am aware of that that’s why in a public version of the game I would not have the hyperlinks or if it’s allowed only have the hyper links to allowed websites.

Can you please tell me how you made this search engine, I am trying to make this since 1.2 years and I am still trying please tell me

Hey, this is kind of similar to what I was making (postponed for now), though I’m pretty sure hylerlinks (‘http’…) is censored in roblox, probably for safety concerns, imagine anyone sending any link xd, so maybe change the ‘http’ part?

or am I just over reacting lol.

Well it honestly wasn’t that hard, I made it in about an hour (the gui toile longer) I used an api for the actual searching of things.

Now I know that hyperlinks aren’t a thing and aren’t allowed in Roblox, because enough can only link to allowed websites, so the hyperlinks are mostly for the YouTube video, then I’d only have them allowed for allowed ( by Roblox ) websites. Now that is if I figure out how to make them.

I don’t know, even if you attempt to display a hyperlink in chat, I’m pretty sure it gets censored, but I know roblox is kind of alright with youtube so-

Like did you pay for it?

Free version (it limits to 600 requests a month though). Click the button and choose the free option, or a paid version (for more requests a month) if you want.

The hyperlink won’t be in chat, and will only be for allowed websites (in the playable version of the game)