Hyperlink in roblox?

no, this could be abused to log IPs and other malicious things

for now, just make a textbox thats uneditable and the user can copy it

Are off site links such as YouTube, and Twitch allowed in game, as they are on the Roblox site.

I’m just wondering if this is possible for a YouTube video and just for fun, I won’t add this to the search engine game demo

it is not, it never will be

There’s gotta be some kind of workaround

there really isnt, a simple google search will answer your question

Alright well in that case I am determined to make a work around. Any updates will be posted here.

There’s no perfect way to parse and display HTML through Gui components in Roblox, but this suggestion here is likely the best way you can achieve what you want:

You won’t get a solution closer to your requirement.

Regarding this:

Cookies are not shared between different domains, so other sites can’t get access to Roblox cookies (although theoretically it is possible to access cookies from other domains if you happen to own both of them).


Apparently only YT rarely Twitch. I don’t know why but it’s like this:

Simulation of moderation

[·] TOS:

Users aren’t allowed to post any violent images. (blood)

[·] User: Post Red ImageUser’s account disabled!

[·] User: Post Blood ImageUser’s account is not disabled!

⁝ Conclusion

Roblox Moderation isn’t the best but could be worse!

I guess I’ll try to contact a staff and see if it’s okay with allowed websites

Well well well, I have made my own work around. Using NodeJS to make an api endpoint, and the open library in NodeJS to open the webbrowser, I was able to make a fully working Hyperlink. Best part about it is unlike @EnvisionDev 's method, users won’t have to do anything but join the game!


Before I even try to make the “only certain sites allowed” feature, I am waiting for a response from a staff member, anyone know the easiest way to get to them?


Hey what did you mean by

I don’t really get what you meant by that

Also for anyone trying to use the links in the game, they are not enabled (well I guess technically they are, however my nodeJS server is no hossted)

Like can I have the link for the api, I cannot find where the link is

@Deadwoodx the link for what api? The google search one or the one I made?

The link for the google search, I want the link pls

All you have to do is sign in to the rapid apis website, go to the link I sent you, and click the subscribe to test, it will list out some payment options (i chose the free one) click that, then go back to the code examples/the link I sent you and copy the url and headers

Now what do I click


local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

function getSearches(URL, HEADERS)
    local req = HttpService:GetAsync(URL, false, HEADERS)
   local searches = HttpService:DecodeJSON(req)

    return searches

local searches = getSearches(urlFromTheScriptOnRapidApis, headersFromTheScriptFromRapidApis)
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The url and headers parameters come from the rapid apis things url and headers place, note to search different things change the end from q=Elon+musk to q=mySearchTerm

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