Hyperlinked Genres are Useless

Genre sorts were removed a while ago. You can no longer filter games by genres.
You can still label you game with different genres; I’m fine with that.


(Image taken on this game’s page, where you can test out the issue.)

However, the genre selected also doubles as a hyperlink, sending you to their respective sorts. But wait… weren’t those removed? So why do the sorts still contain hyperlinks that lead to pages like this:


Which are deprecated, and redirect you to the Games page? It’ll cause confusion in those not aware that genres are no longer sorts, and the hyperlinks no longer server any functional purpose.

It’s vestigial.


What’ weird is that this sort works only for catalog items, and nothing else. Whenever you press a genre sort on the Catalog, it give you accessories based of of that genre

And this is what happens when you press a genre sort button in the Lbrary section in Develop:

Not only is this inconsistent, it’s also annoying to those trying to find a specific game/item/etc.


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


This issue should now be resolved! If this issue is still occurring, please create a new topic for us to look into.


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