I have made a game on my other acc
I’m trying to make sure it looks good
I have no issues with it no bugs either but I’m just wanting to show you. if there is any suggestions let me know!
The terrain just drops off, so I would fix that. The outlines of the models are sort of blurry too. Other than that, it looks good!
I wouldn’t really call this a game since there isn’t much going it looks like a relaxing peaceful sort of showcase. Consider putting more effort into your build even if your new to creating building or modeling. At the moment it’s quite alright.
Aside from being a bench and repetitive trees, it doesn’t give any content or information that it features some type of game. This wouldn’t be considered a game there’s not much effort produced in the scene or are yo just showing off your building skills? Consider adding builds in the background and elevation to the terrain it’ll improve the quality of the scene or perhaps create variety of trees.
This would not only give more information on what your attempting to create but it’ll give players some point of view on what your trying to achieve. Throw your own builds and see what you can create are the trees placeholders or there made by you?
It looks good, my one suggestion would be to make the horizon more realistic. It is currently just a straight line, some hills in the backdrop would look nice.