So, I made my first ever plushie. What do you think???
thats me btw
Looks like an actual UGC item except for the amount of polygons. Nice work!
This is cute! I think you did a great job on this one! And as @Pokemoncraft5290 stated, it looks like a real item!
This is great! you could make a killing selling these.
This looks really good! The only thing I suggest is to make the arms and legs just a tiny bit bigger.
The plushie is very cute! men I wish I can make like that
But yeah, Thank you for reading this. have a nice day!
It looks real nice and plushie like. The only thing I notice is that below the head seems a bit too cubic. I personally believe it may look better if the edges for the torso, arms and legs were much more round.
hahah i cant stop laughing when i see this photo Imaooo
Looks very cool! Only thing, like said before, is maybe making the torso, arms, and feet a little more curvy.