I accidentally created, essentially, a speed test for Roblox

What happens is that your client is loading a bunch of terrain, millions and millions of voxels of terrain. (Exact amount I don’t know)

Your client, seemingly no matter what, will disconnect from the game (no idea exactly why) before you load the full game no matter what. (Shedletsky or someone else with his internet speeds would need to test to prove if it’s possible to not disconnect :slight_smile: )

Since the loading screen has the voxel count, you will know how much terrain it has loaded before your client disconnects, thus in this case, however many megavoxels you can load in X amount of time before your client disconnects can be used essentially as a speed test score instead of Mbps.

I’ve seen people get from 15 million to 40 million voxels, and I myself get 26.2 million.

Probably not blogworthy, but I accidentally created it and it’s kind of neat imo and I thought I would share it :slight_smile:

26.152 million.

I don’t play with terrain so I don’t know how many voxels my machine could handle.

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I got somewhere around 26 million.

Damn. It feels bad to be perfectly average.

I got 26 million and I’m on a very slow connection. I think there’s something about 26 million that’s causing the disconnect.

Yeah, I got disconnected at 26 million with internet of this speed:

Maybe ROBLOX is limiting how fast we can download game content?

Yeah, I got disconnected at 26 million with internet of this speed:

Maybe ROBLOX is limiting how fast we can download game content?[/quote]

Hmmmmmm, I’ve heard of people getting between 15-40 million. Not sure why 26 is the most popular, unless those people were lying about their voxel count, in which a lot of people have in that case.

27.047 mil

was gonna screenshot but then I realized “it disconnects you, o”

[quote] 27.047 mil

was gonna screenshot but then I realized “it disconnects you, o” [/quote]

How close are you from ROBLOX HQ and what’s your average ping to them?

I think mine’s in the 110 range (just an estimate, it’s what I got from playing on US-based TF2/CS:S servers)
I’m in the UK, so more than the Eiffel tower’s height away :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote] 27.047 mil

was gonna screenshot but then I realized “it disconnects you, o” [/quote]

27.153 :slight_smile: I feel like this is a contest.
Also, I’m from the UK.

[quote] 27.047 mil

was gonna screenshot but then I realized “it disconnects you, o” [/quote]

27.153 :slight_smile: I feel like this is a contest.
Also, I’m from the UK.[/quote]

Weird. What’s your interent speed?

ACTUALLY, this might have something to do with computer specs, too; better computers may be able to process more data at once unlike our computers.

27.01M - Very crappy internet. ~~ 12MB down 1 MB up.

Right before it stopped me (I was going off of the limit y’all said you had.

My memory usage went up a bit more after it disconnected me but it stopped rising at 709,800 K.

26.625 million voxels.

26.266 mil.

I think it just disconnects it if you take too long, that’s my thoughts.

[quote] 26.266 mil.

I think it just disconnects it if you take too long, that’s my thoughts. [/quote]

Correct, but the resulting voxel count is how many your internet is capable of loading before you time out

Interesting your all getting the same numbers, I have a few generated places that are parts, and not voxels, and the numbers vary a ton, anywhere from 15k loaded, to 300k loaded before a disconnect, even varrying between joins, there must be something about 26-27 mil that times out, maybe its the max integer size of parts for workspace? and a more effective work of the same would be to make a map with tons of textures in it (textures are alot of data to stream), that way you wouldn’t need as many parts to see, or you could hack the preload and asset loaded functions together to get an exact timestamp on how long it takes to load one asset

I got that exact amount aswell.

26.3xx Voxels (can’t remember the last two digits)

Mine fully loaded, with some crap wifi.