I am for hire i will make thumbnails

post was closed by myself bc i cant delete it for some reason

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I think that 400 robux is a bit overpriced and 10-25 robux would be more reasonable.


Hey! I’d like to suggest some things that could increase your chances of being hired:

  1. Fix your portfolio. I doubt anybody would hire a person that cannot use grammar when it’s necessary. I don’t know why, but it just makes you look unprofessional and underage. Make sure to make sections to make it easier such as: “About me”, “Showcase”, “Payment”, etc. You can find them in every profile.
  2. Thumbnail’s colors. Blue on blue? No offence, but it just hurts. Thumbnails are usually full of colors, which is why people look at them. You can just choose another shade of blue (for an example light-blue) or just paint it full-white. It’d make it look better. There’re many ways to choose colors, so you can just search for some. It’s really simple.
  3. Price. Too overpriced. Start from 20-40 robux. You’ll be improving and your price will go up as well, but for now it’s too much.
  4. Thumbnail’s texture. I honestly doubt it’s a thumbnail at all. “Icons” like this have been used in 2011-2013 only. You could watch YouTube tutorials, they’re really helpful.
    I listed main issues only, but if you fix them, it will get much better. You have to interest people in hiring you, so try your best on portfolio. Good luck.

First of all, please fix your grammar. No one will want to hire you for GFX if you can’t use grammar. Second of all, 100-400 robux for 2 sources, (one of them from google images) is VERY overpriced.


First of all, try not to use images from Google for something that will cost 100-400 :robux_light: when the person paying for it can make it themselves.

Second of all, just use grammar please, make your portfolio presentable, convince the people that look at it that you can create what they need.

Last small thing that could help, add some tags to your post like for-hire or graphic-designer so that people can find you easier.


Idk man… fix your grammar and definitely lower your prices to somewhere around 10-30 robux. These simple logos are really overpriced and if you want to get hired you need to appeal to the customer.


sorry but it looks like your working since yesterday with this design program. Please gain experience and then offer your designs because you cant see the text because its the same color like the background.


You cant have discord links in your portfolio.


You’re sending a discord adveristiment, this is overpriced, i hate the spelling, the image looks like you started using the program today, the text isn’t readable and it’s too small.

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Super unprofessional, high prices, lack of knowledge. I would not hire you.


Hey! I’m a GFX Artist myself, and when I looked at your portfolio, I saw some big issues with it. Here’s some that I want to point and could get you a better chance of getting hired.

  • Try to make your portfolio more organized and presentable. For example have sections about payment, your examples, contact info, etc.

  • I also recommend that you use proper grammar and spelling in your portfolio. The reason for this is, it makes you look unprofessional, which could possibly lower the chances of you getting hired.

  • 100 to 400 robux seems overpriced for the work that your offering. Try at least 20 to 50 robux, and as you"ll improve, you can raise your prices as your work will get high in demand.

  • It seems like that you just started doing GFX like yesterday. Try and gain more experience in the field before you offer services. There are many great tutorials online about GFX and logos, and they can really help.

Also, you can’t put Discord links in your portfolio, and it seems more like an advertisement rather than a contact info service.

Anyway, those were just some tips to improve! I think these suggestions, I think it would make your portfolio 100 times better! Hope this helps, and I wish you good luck with commissions!!


ive realized my mistake im probably gonna take this down and get some better work to show as example

your right there i need to get better work done and more examples this was kinda rushed

It’s not bad, but it’s not…good? You catch my drift? Good first attempt though.

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thank you althought this was kinda rushed i need to make something improved to make profits

thank you i didnt start today it was just kinda rushed i need to get a better example of my work out

Good first attempt! I would definitely suggest working on more examples though and perhaps lowering the price

i said 50 robux or more 50 robux is less than a dollar thats cheap

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any lower would be giving it away

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ooh sorry i thought this was a different post your totally right