I am getting spam messaged by roblox staff/getting messages for groups im not in

I don’t know how this occoured. I randomly woke up seeing 2 messages that are identical by the same person:

I was confusing and checked if i was any language groups which i wasn’t (except one).

This was the message i got:

I believe it is the automated message when you join a group but this is not possible because i wasn’t online at the time. Today at the exact time, i received another 3 messages:

This seems to be a big issue to me honestly. If this continues to issue occours then it could get genuinly annoying. I am not in any language groups other than @DEDevelopers at the moment. For example, i got a message by someone in the PT/BR DET but when i checked i am not in the group:

Some people could say this is just a few messages to dismiss so it’s not a big deal, for me it kinda is. Obviously i wasn’t aware this will occour and since i get emailed everytime someone sends me a message it can get my email can get spammy over time:
and i don’t wanna turn it off due to this

And no i haven’t been hacked and someone is joining groups. I checked and i only have 2 devices logged in which is either my personal PC or phone which nobody got access to

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all i got for joining english devforum was an AI response from discobot man, consider yourself lucky


Hey @13_5G,

Weirdly, you are receiving this by joining international communities. I have never received this back then, but likely to be happening because it is a new policy to introduce new members and how they can introduce themselves and connect with other international creators through Guilded, DevForum, and/or Discord (as we have Roblox Creators server). So, if you were to join these that you are not in, you will receive them automatically.

The best thing is just to click on “Dismiss” when clicking on your profile picture to see some summary settings:
