I am having trouble with a Vehicle I'm working on

Hello again. I am currently working on a game right now, and i’ve had some certain issues with the current vehicle im working on.

Now, im not the best deveopler, but this vehicle seems to have some issues.
Basically, the hinges are not detecting on the vehicle seat, resulting in the car not moving. Now I’ve tried different things, but none of them seem to work. As you can see, I have the attachments mostly right. They are connected right and not falling apart, they even work if i push the car.
But the car still wont move, and I believe the reason why is because the hinges are not detected.

Like, I have the vehicle seat on the part that the wheels are detected, and it still wont detect. No anchored parts, nothing. The hinge constraints are correct, I have show welds and constraint details enabled, and they show that their connected to the car base. But the vehicle seat just wont detect them no matter what i do?

I tried deleting the vehicle seat and creating a new one, I tried resizing it, I tried to weld it to the base part. I even tried some plugins. But they dont connect. I dont know if im bad at making vehicles, but maybe making the vehicle first then reworking it abit to make it drive was a bad Idea?

I have no idea, i’ve used the information i had gotten, and i got no good results.

If you could help me about this, I would highly appreciate it.
(Images are shown at the bottom)


You should write a script. HingeConstraints are only to move and turning but not moving by vehicle seat
You can view this tutorial on how to make cars


Thanks for suggestioning that, I will see if it fixes the problem. If it worked well, I might end this discussion.

And to answer your first question about the VehicleSeat AreHingesDetected, it’s a deprecated item. There are many older cars that still use it so they keep it around, but because it’s older you need to script the Hinges as @thingsbuilding said.

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It didnt work, well it did. I tried implatimg it onto my car model, and it barley worked. I could go forward, its just the turning was scuffed and strange. I watched the tutorial the first user commented sent to me, and it was ok. Unfortunatly, I really noticed that it wouldnt be good.

THE CAR MODEL i was using wasnt a mesh, i spent a hole 1 hour 2 weeks ago building the car based on a real one, and It wasnt even a mesh. I was planning on making a semi realistic roleplay game, with somewhat cool sky graphics, but the rest of the objects were blocky or wrent really meshes. And when i tried to surgegly inplant the weals onto the car, it seemed to work fine, but the steering was bad no matter how hard i changed it, it was a destructive car, “I shot a rpg at it to test it” and it seemed like a decent model build. But the wheels werent exactly staying on, they looked off place, and i had to do some drastic mesasures to change the model to fit the wheels, and i also had to resize the chasi on the car i uesd for the tutorial.

And it somehow still looked bad, it just wasnt a right car for the game i was making. So i decided to maybe think of improving it by making a new test version of it. My plan was to take the wheels & etc off the car, and then use a model stretch plugin to fit it onto the original chasi i used for the base car. Obviosuly it cuased massive issues, and i probabley broke some things related to that car trying so. I built it out of parts, and what did i expect anyways. I guess i really wanted to go the hard way by making the car model with bricks first, and then trying to imploment the driving cababaillities later. It was a trorendious idea, since i probably screwed things up messing with the plugin i probably spent robux on or less, and worst of all. I tried to test on a different model stretch plugin i had never used. It had the seem issues, like the parts of the car disseapearing and glicthes galore. I decided “maybe i should try stretching the model seen in the thumbnail” which was the happy home, and it completely crashed and since my nature, I freaked out and caused things to be more worse. Cuause now I probably have to restart my computer and make sure i didnt mess up any files on my computer from the panic.

Yeah, i guess spamming many keys at once can really mess up an computer, espcially a one from walmart and has a very bad graphics driver “UHD 610 TO BE EXACT”. anyways, besides that stuff, I consider who evers idea of watching a tutorial to be a failour, since it probably made things worse.
I dont know if im truely a bad deveoloper, or my computer is trash, or I shouldve been making games “probably my autism is a factor” but i dont want to down on myself, i made the mistake of trying to do things ive tried over again, and havent proceeded to profect.

I had made cars in the past, I just probably watched some tutorial on some site that probably is not around anymore, i am not mentioning any sites, i am very fearful of roblox moderation.

But lets just say, i wrote this entire response of mobile, becauee im too lazy to spend 30 minutes to open up a browser that was probably bogged down to begin with. But either way, i basically work on games on my pc, and i do the testing on mobile, either with a keyboard somehow attached to the device, or working my way for manu minutes to navagate through the microsoft store roblox to be able to join it, only to have the game crash or have some sort of glitch that results in gameplay issues.

I dont use the website, i was already used to mobile before i moved to pc, but i didnt like using the website to join games since it somehow was more longer and it sometimes didnt even open the luancher, and it also lagged like 24/7. So the only way at to time was to use the roblox microsoft app, but that got updated with the poor choice to make the UI even more less hansom and really buggy and broken to use, resulting in lag, glicthes, galore.

At this point, i shouldve just quit and tried something else, but i am determined to continue on.

Im sorry I keep having to go on and on, but I just cant.

At this point, ill just close it down and think of another way of succes.

I dont want anyone stealing my ideas, i hate when i have an idea, and somebody uses it before me.
It makes me sick, and now, i either quit or do something else, or spend weekends and summers getting what i want. I just wanted to make games not only to make me happy, but maybe others happy.

I dont know if that what i really am thinking, but i am surely do not have an idea.

This is just a forum, but I cant take the presaure.

See you around.

You don’t really need a model resize plugin. You can select the entire Model and use the standard Roblox resize tool.

If the steering worked fine but didn’t after you added the body Parts then I’m guessing you had the wheels colliding with the body Parts. If you go to your File > Studio Settings > Physics and click the ‘AreContactPointsShown’ checkbox. This shows a red sphere when Parts (Unions, MeshParts etc.) touch and is very useful for troubleshooting vehicles. If your car is complex you may be able to turn off the collisions of the body or chassis Parts that are touching, or you can use CollisionGroups so that the wheels don’t collide with the body or chassis Parts.
Another issue may be that adding the weight of the body Parts may affect your suspension and handling. Try making most of the Parts Massless Property true and have 1 main Part of the frame that you can change the Density of to fine tune your ride.

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Alright, ill try that soon when im able to.

roblox doesn’t detect higneconstraints with a normal vehicle, you have to script all of it.

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