I am heavily unsure in adding one *simple* feature because of dirty player tendencies

Straight to the point so, I want to add a feature in my game which lets the player…well…point at where he looks with their hand.

A lot of concerns raised after I realized this lets players do the controversial right hand up salute, what should I do when a simple innocent feature is prone to be used in the ugliest way possible? I can make a limit of only being able to point forward but that makes it static and takes away a lot of freedom, will Roblox punish me if I keep this feature in my game?

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I think you should be fine with this. As long as you’re not encouraging Nazi saluting, you should be alright.

@UnknownParabellum fixed the problem boom. :sunglasses:

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Well, clearly there will always be players that do that. If you are really concerned then there is a very very easy fix for this.

Just use the left hand instead of the right hand. :grin:


Not even a thought about encouraging it, I just fear roblox will punish me for players using things for wrong.

I wouldn’t have an issue with this if I were Roblox. If people try to act like they are doing the right-hand salute and you get punished just email Roblox about it.

Edit: Didnt see it but, @UnknownParabellum fixed your issues.

As someone said, you could use the right hand instead of the left. Additionally, you could make it where the lower arm/elbow will always be bent - meaning they can’t even try to salute.

I will definitely do that, ill switch it to left arm and hope for the best :grimacing:

Well if RP creators thought this way, we’ll never even have any of those games, there are going to be those trolls, and dirty player who will misuse the features of a game in a dirty and innapropiate way, to battle that I suggest adding a report system in your game where you can report a player for doing anything wrong, will pop up somewhere like a webhook and you can investigate it and possibly report the actions to Roblox. Again, there will always be a misuse in a feature by players in every game. Hope this helped

Thanks for the reply, concerns mainly raised since I recall meep city having to take action due to people misusing the beds and emotes in parties, last thing I wish is to experience that as the game dev


You could make some parameters on where the arm cannot point, like the arm cannot go between two degrees or something like that.