I am interested in joining the UGC program, any advice?

Hello, I would like to read some tips to enter the UGC program, since I am interested.
I only made these two models for now.
Captura de pantalla 2023-09-06 153614_033811
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46 sin tĂ­tulo_20230828115417


Honestly, the designs are incredible! If you were a new UGC Creator, I would buy your ugcs!


These models look good. I suggest making more models before applying for the UGC Program, and expanding your portfolio while also learning and practicing more Blender. Otherwise, nice job on these models!


Thanks for your opinions, I’ll take your advice.
I will also show other ugc concepts for your opinion.
Once again, thank you so much

Hello! I have some tips I have gathered from reading other people’s replies from posts such as Updates and Changes to the UGC Catalog Application - #1039 by spider123232

  1. There is a max triangles limit of 4,000 BUT it seems that you don’t have to follow it when sending your UGC items in the application

  2. It takes approximately 4-5 months for you to get a response after sending your UGC application

  3. When sending your UGC Application, be very careful with how you compile the items (here’s an example tutorial on how to do that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOphKqHazIA&pp=ygUzcm9ibG94IGhvdyB0byBtYWtlIGFjY2Vzc29yeSBmb3JtYXQgY29udmVydCB0byByYnht )

  4. You can make a talent hub profile where you have your made ugc concepts as a part of your portfolio. That way, you can include pictures of your talent hub portfolio (because a part of the UGC application is to show your previous work)

  5. It looks like having a verified ID is a must to upload UGC (I don’t think that they wouldn’t accept ones who don’t have it, but you’d need to verify your ID after getting accepted in the UGC Program)


for your number 2 i keep seeing people get told it takes anywhere from 5-7 months
to get a email back there have been people who has applied 2-3 months and got in that follow weeks of the 3rd month. and id like to add ive applied on april 7th i check my email daily spam ect and my triangles was under 4k becuse it was a low poly style back pack and still no email and ive stuck my second application in also so it seems that they are done reviewing applications becuse alot of people have no heard back which in that case those who applied before me have been waiting over 4-5 months to get a email and had to resubmit which if they have not got anything then that means roblox itself is creeping over the 5th month of others that has been waiting to get a email