I really do not understand what is the meaning of this answer, I do not seem to have said that I hope to earn real money through this platform, or not at least as you indicate (an investment that generates passive money in the long term), nor does it seem to me silly my question, because as I clarify, I do not understand or am interested in knowing how it is built in roblox, it is clear from what was seen in this thread something basic to direct the project is necessary, I did not give a specific development time or my budget In total, I only gave speculation of what I imagine, it also seems to me that I said that the game once finished will be private and therefore it is clear my intentions to want to make money passively are quite nil.
My reason for creating a game is not directed to the common, much less, I do not expect that it has a wide audience or a network of active players, so my interest is to be able to hire someone to program and build it for me and for that I work to pay and contrary to what is stated, I do not intend to hire someone of 13 years, the reality is that I am looking for an experienced programmer and that on the basis of his knowledge he gives me a budget , therefore the reason for my doubts in this thread
Going fully from top to bottom, these are my responses (they are opinions, they may differ from othersā)
A scripter and a modeler can do everything needed to make a full fledged game. Generally UI design is very easy to learn and do. Clothing creators are not needed either as a modeler can make models instead. Worst comes to worst you can pay a flat fee to get someone to make a clothing item for you.
Pick up some skills yourself, by the way; many devs do not want to work with a commissioner or partner that doesnāt do work themselves.
It really depends, you will have to discuss this with developers of your choosing and you donāt always have to go for a flat per hour pay - some devs will take cuts of profit too.
The only way to avoid being scammed is to be careful. The contracts created are not really enforceable, particularly if signed with an alias.
You typically have your developers work together. There are many cases where dependencies exist and so having them work together is most efficient.
It really depends on who you ask. Iād budget 10-20 bucks for sponsors after any hiring/commission costs. A budget is not a very easy thing to say one way or another on.