I am making a Main Menu for my Roblox Game, It feels empty right now, Feedback and Criticism needed (EDITED AGAIN FOR THE 3RD TIME)

Thanks Everybody for the Advice! BobB0bBobBob, I’m still trying to think on how to add and implement more colors without it looking like a kindergartener made it. (I know I’m not a good Graphics Designer)

I edited it again and added better icons I got from the feathers Icon plugin, btw yes I will put a background and a logo in the future, It’s a baseplate because I’m making it in another save for my other game, if you guys wanna try it out here’s the link to the game: ui concept - Roblox

Thank you for the advice everybody! I’m having a bit more progress in the UI an I’m trying to make it more colorful, here’s a demo of the new UI, the UI is inspired of the old TF2 Main Menu, and I think it looks really good, by the way I will add a logo and a background, please give your thoughts to the new UI.


I personally like it actually, though, if I were to add something, I’d maybe make the GUI a bit more colorful. Other than that, as long as the background isn’t just the empty baseplate, this is a nice main menu.


Looks good, few more things.

  1. Game title (I recommend putting this in the top left corner.)

  2. More color

  3. Gradients (Optional)

  4. Background could have some potential (Blur, buildings, etc.)

Everything is good though.

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I think it’s nice, but I do think some things could be added. First of all, Some kind of logo would give things a bit more flair, or a title. Also, I think it’s a bit dark. More colours would be nice, Even if you do just add a bit of variety, I think it will help. Obviously you don’t have to add my suggestions, it’s just what I think.

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Add A Settings Button & Shop Button.

It isn’t just the baseplate, I’m just making it in another save, thanks!

Thank you for the Feedback, BobB0bBobBob!

Thanks! I’ll try adding some gradients.

It looks alright right now but these things could change:

  • Don’t capitalize words that don’t need to be capitalized (Map, Game, Development, etc.)
  • Add a background
  • Add gradients
  • Tween the gui (if you haven’t already)
  • The buttons could use some more detail