To make a long story short: Getting the word out for a clothing group is extremely hard, so I thought of a compromise between developers and designers to try and help support both the devs and the small time seam makers of roblox.
I will provide free clothing for the developers to sell on their game in which they will gain 100% of the profits they earn from these clothing at which ever price they decide to sell it at. In exchange for physical representation of the store within the game.
Below will be examples of what the clothing could look like [but absolutely can be more complex] as well as an example of what kind of representation could be viable.
What’s up with the string-lookalike thing on the arms?
Also, as a fellow clothing designer, I recommend you work on detailing your clothing first before putting your services up for grabs.
Your advice doesn’t really make much sense to me considering these are basic plain shirts and there is no need for additional details, nonetheless what is a “String-lookalike.” Kindly elaborate more.
Each clothing developer has their own methods of meeting the standards and while your feedback is appreciated it’s more counter-intuitive than it is useful.
I might be interested, I have social group for all Panic! At the Disco fans. I am always looking for designers who could provide me with band related clothing. Unfortunately I couldn’t find your Discord if you are interested then you can add me. Discord: “Eludan #6397”