I am trying to make a sliding block

I am trying to make a sliding block.

I made a seesaw with grounding, but the character doesn’t slide.
So if the character is on top, I want it to slide and fall according to the angle of the seesaw.

And after a certain period of time, the seesaw also tries to return to its original angle.

Please advise me.

[ ↓ The non-slip phenomenon of the problem ↓ ]

[ ↓ Seesaw board settings ↓ ]

[ ↓ Implementation end goal reference image ↓ ]

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Just add a velocity to the part.

And to do the physics system you can just search in the internet or on youtube.

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I am a user of Google Translate. Can you tell me the search keywords?
If I do a search, it is already completed or a play video is exposed. (No production process)

I believe you can use friction and MaxSlopeAngle to get a slippery effect.

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Thank you for giving me information that I didn’t know about the Internet video course.
As for the “MaxSlopeAngle” you mentioned, the player can’t resist slipping at all, so I guess we’ll have to find another way.
However, I think the information you provided will be a good reference for making games in the future. thank you!

※ Review: I leave the location of “MaxSlopeAngle” for people like me who don’t appear in the video or can’t be interpreted.

※ Location: Explorer > Select “StarterPlayer” > Search for “MaxSlopeAngle” in the property value.

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When a player touches the part you can set the max slope distance to the desired angle at which you want the player to slip, I don’t know how to make the player not resist slipping.

And when the player stops touching the part you can set the max slope distance back to the default which I believe is 89

Hopefully, this helps you. Goodluck.

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Kind tip, thanks.
It didn’t solve my problem,
It seems like there are people like you that can make Roblox games. :slight_smile: )

※ Scripts for reference by others

	if Humanoid then
		Humanoid.MaxSlopeAngle = 35.5

Hey, I think I found the solution. Its not perfect, but I think it works. This doesn’t use max slope angle. It uses something called, “AssemblyLinearVelocity”.

--// Make sure to check which way this part is rotating either on the Z axis or the X axis
while wait() do
    local part = script.Parent
    local partOrientationX = part.Orientation.X --//If part rotates on the X axis use this -- Dont use both
    local partOrientationZ  = part.Orientation.Z --// if part rotates on the Z axis use this -- Dont use both
    local reversedX = partOrientationX * -1
    local reversedZ = partOrientationZ * -1
    part.AssemblyLinearVelocity = Vector3.new(reversedZ, 0, 0) --// Dont use both
    --part.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Z = Vector3.new(0, 0, ReversedX) --// Dont use both

Here is it in action. And I didn’t show me resisting the slippery effect, however, it is possible, go ahead and try it out for yourself and tell me what you think.


After checking it, it didn’t work for me…

Because it is a seesaw trap using a hinge, the value does not change immediately. And thank you for kindly letting me know. :slight_smile:

Thanks though!

[ Script input contents _ result value ]

robloxapp-20220824-1432336.wmv (419.4 KB)

If you don’t use HingeConstraint the original function works! thank you!

I’ll try to find a way to implement the seesaw other than HingeConstraint! thank you!