I animated hair using beta skinning - Feedback/Advice welcomed

Hi guys! :smiley:

Decided to animate one of my hairstyle meshes from a previous UGC concept using the new beta skinning method…let’s just say it was a bit of a tricky experience at first but here is my results! (Keep in mind this is within UGC vert & tri limits so it’s a low poly hair)

I did however have a bit of difficulties exporting the rigged hair as a .fbx from blender and importing it into Roblox Studio…however I did manage to get it to work though I’m not quite sure what I did? I feel like I need to play with it more to get an idea of what the problem was I was encountering…I’m not sure if anyone knows of any specific method for doing this or if we’re mostly meant to improvise and hope for the best? Advice and feedback is totally welcomed!

Either way super cool new feature, can’t wait to toy more around with this more with future hairs and more detailed ones too. :heart:

Now…just to get the scale right for the roblox avi… :sweat_smile: :thinking:


Woah! Does Roblox allow animated hair? I’d increase the speed, it’s really slow. And it might look better if you reduce the swing. The new update is amazing.


Yea its a new feature! That was definitely something I thought as well with the speeds too. Thank you for the feedback. :slight_smile:

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It looks very artificial. I would have the hair move more realistically. Have the hair be affected my gravity. I can’t wait to see your progress. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Pretty good @Lovespun! I agree with @Crazedbrick1, I think the hair being affected by gravity would be a great feature. Keep up the good work!

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Looks awesome!
Maybe try changing the EasingStyle and speed since hair swinging would start slow at the beginning of the swing, accelerate to the center of the swing, then decelerate to the end of the swing.
Possibly Quart or Exponential might look better?

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Ohhh good idea!!! Thank you so much, i will def post the results when i get the speed right :smiley:

This is actually not a bad idea at all! I might give that a whirl - what a great idea. Thank you! :smiley:

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