I API banned myself with ALT Detection on, how do I unban?

I API banned myself and had ALT detection on. What an earth do I do to unban myself, I don’t know anyone that can unban me so I’m kinda stuck.

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go on roblox studio and unban yourself with the command bar

That doesnt work, it has to be on the server.

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I heard that the alt detection isn’t as sensitive as most might think. Have you tried to add an alt to your game to try and unban yourself?

There’s a post created about this with a really hacky way of unbanning yourself:

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Can’t you just use unbanasync? Create a random script in serverscriptservice, then just use the unbansync function. Publish the game, and then if it works. You can just delete the script or disable it since it’s basically useless then.

(My bad I see this topic is solved now)


This is too advanced for me, can someone make it a easier way to unban myself?

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Here’s some sample code, quite simple:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

if shouldBeUnbanned(player: Player) then
	local config: UnbanConfigType = {
		UserIds = {player.UserId, 789},
		ApplyToUniverse = false
	local success, err = pcall(function()
		return Players:UnbanAsync(config)
	print(success, err)

Might be dumb asking this question but, The code doesn’t work, it has errors and undefined statements. Where do I add the code?

Just click on Current:Client in Home to change to Server and then unban yourself in the command bar.

Here’s some code that actually works:

local players = game.Players

local config = {
	-- First parameter requires you to put in a table of userids that you wish to unban
	UserIds = {982857193},
	-- Second parameter requires you to say whether or not thisun ban will mean that players can join this specific game or the game as a whole (if u know wat i mean)
	ApplyToUniverse = true,
