I built a jet... (Vuelo Arobolt)

So I am currently at war with Gallus Arms and Automobiles (look it up on the Roblox Vehicle Wiki) and they have air superiority over me and Ono_Three. So I built a jet to retaliate.

There is not too much to go over, but it does have 2 machine guns, 2 rocket launchers, and 1 bomb bay. It also uses a chassis by Gate Studios (the same that I think Gallus uses).

Feel free to give feedback on it!


Love it! This would looks so good in a low-poly game! It looks good just on the Baseplate!

Forgot to mention, this was built using parts and wedges (Gapfill plugin is very useful for stuff like this).

The aircraft looks great, I love the details. Great Job!

The style is very inconsistent, with very high-poly looking parts like the thruster on a jet with a low-poly body. It would look better if every component followed the same style. The body looks good though.

For the engine I used two meshes, so I can see what you mean. Thank you for telling me this so I can fix it!