I built a room with a fireplace!

The room is very! I think I like. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Looking for feedback! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


In my opinion, not the best, but still great details.


Looks great! Although, the room seems really big for just one chair. Try to add more props like tables and stuff. Other then that, 10/10.


That is an open flame inside and no fire extinguishers in sight nor smoke detectors, this is clearly a safety hazard. OSHA violations are through the roof on this one sheesh. That’s what I like about this, no care in the world about safety, me likes.


:ballot_box_with_check:OSHA would like to know your location.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fireplace irl that has wooden sides that are built out of the fireplace itself that distance.
The purpose of a fireplace is to heat a room and 1) the wood would get hot and eventually burn & 2) the wooden sides would block the heat radiation into the sides of the room.

Sorry, I tend to get on the reality side of things…


Fire should be lighter and the opening is very small.
Your fireplace looks like this:
Screen Shot 2021-03-03 at 2.47.16 PM
Should look something like this:
Screen Shot 2021-03-03 at 2.47.51 PM
Not bad


Exactly if the purpose of a fireplace is to generate heat for a room. This kind of fireplace wouldn’t be realistic to the purpose of a fireplace.


That chair is a piece of art for sure.


This better? :grin:

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The building and lighting is better but those polls are still very wide. That chair and the carpet are really good!

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It’s amazing. but as it has been said by @BannedUser587 , the room seems too big for just one chair. Perhaps you could add a couple couches and a table… The chair and carpet are amazing!!!


I think it looks good! Although I can’t help but notice the wood right outside it lol.

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I do not like it that much, The fireplace doesn’t really look that good, also wouldn’t the wood catch on fire? I would get rid of the wood around the fireplace. I would make the chair rotated a little to look like someone has used it, it currently looks like no one has used it because it is in such a perfect position. The brown for the walls really doesn’t fit with the yellow’ish theme of the room, perhaps consider changing it.


I’ve never seen a fireplace with pillars that thick and wide. I would make them less bulky and also some sort of indication of a chimney. If you look at a fireplace, you can see that the wall around the fireplace continues further up all the way to the ceiling.

The fireplace stretches all the way to the top with a small ledge hanging on it. The wall above doesn’t become completely flush with the rest.

The texture on the carpet also looks really weird. It’s not seamless and sort of reminds me of wood rather than a carpet.

Really like the chair though, great work on that.


Hello @jug_1000!

I like this very much, but as always we can see several improvements.

  • Experiment with textures.
  • Try play with lighting.
  • The fire could be more like particles or realistic.
  • It is way too much wood.
  • The floor is not that good.
  • More then 1 chair.
  • Expand your interior design and make an exterior and expand it!

Hope this assisted you,


It’s good fireplace

But I think the better one is using realisticked fire with the particle emitter.

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The fire needs a light, use the point light for growing lights.

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I like it, you may need to use an advanced texture pack to make the place look more realistic, please also try adding lighting to it. Although I love the way it looks!


I really like the materials you used! I suggest improve the lighting and making it more realistic.

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