I was updating my description by changing one character in the entire body of text for a version number, when all of a sudden, BAM, the filter slaughters my description. (it had the word discord in it)
Could we please have the ability to even say “Discord” again? I post changelogs and other things on there that are important to players, and they can socialize with me and the admins almost 24/7 about bugs or just to have a nice chat. Please “fix” this. Thanks.
Twitter is allowed because it’s moderated by the Twitter staff. If you see something inappropriate you can report the content. Programs like Discord do not have a dedicated moderation team. The content is moderated by the community itself (server members) which by default is not reliable or trustworthy.
I can provide you various links to content that is inappropriate on ROBLOX yet not-so on twitter. The point being made is the standard of moderation is intrinsically different between the three platforms. It’s kind of obvious that twitter has some form of moderation, its usage requires it. It’s a social tool. Github and Trello are not intended to be moderated for a reason (or rather, have no overarching moderation) – their purpose is for personalized development and personalized project management respectively so that doesn’t need to be moderated by some super-staff. Commenting on their level of moderation makes zero sense.
People will abuse anything, that doesn’t mean we should be restricting the usage of the websites. Instead, it means we should be moderating those that abuse it.