I can only log on on one device

I generally use the DevForum on my computer but on some occasions I would like to use my laptop. Logging in to Roblox on my laptop works fine but when I head to the DevForum and hit Log In it redirects me to Roblox and brings up an error. I already verified my email like it told me to.

All help would be appreciated.

Probably you are trying to create another account and not log in.

Did you change the email associated with your Roblox account recently? It seems like you have another account with that account’s email, which you didn’t when you logged in on computer. I’d try changing the email to something else and seeing if that fixes it.


If you have switched email recently, have you had any previous devforum accounts with the email?

And when you verified the email, did you use a new one or an old one (if you mean it required you to have a verified email)?