I cannot change my experience's (Universe) name or description

While updating my experience “get a drink at 3 am [:eye: FINAL UPDATE]”, I have noticed that I am no longer able to make changes to the title or description.


Despite the name being exactly the same as before, I am recently unable to update any of my Experience’s details.

Unlike what the error seems to suggest, the phrase “get a drink at 3 am” is not filtered in-game, in-chat or anywhere else on the platform other than the Experience Universe tab.

As visible here, I was able to perfectly change the Starter Place’s name to the desired one:

Reproduction steps

  1. Create an experience with the name “get a drink at 3 am” (both in the website or Studio)
  2. Click “Save”

I hope this gets fixed soon as I want to change my Experience’s details ASAP!


Yikes. This issue is happening to so many people.

A recent change to the text filter has caused your experience’s name to now be censored and hence you’re unable to save any changes to it.

Already reported here:

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Issue is, “YouTube” has been known for getting falsely flagged for a while now. And the 2nd post displays an “unknown error”. Mine, instead, displays as rejected despite it not being moderated on every other page (Starter Place name, in-game chat, website chat, group walls, group shouts…)

It’s the same issue.

Another report on it here:

I see. I hope they manage to unfilter “get a drink at 3 am” as well. It’s been my game’s name for 2 years and I really would hate to change it just because of the filter.

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Were you ever able to resolve this? I’m still having issues

Nope. I’m still unable to update my game’s name or description.

I’m also experiencing problems with changing my games description and name.

Why? The word “grass” is now getting rejected… My game’s name is “touch grass simulator”, but even if you just name it “grass” it still gets rejected.

The issue has been resolved!

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