I cannot colour my builds?

Hello, I am practicing building and in doing so i have partly built a house, however because of the texture pack I used, I cannot change the color.


I don’t think you can change the color. Use materials instead I guess.

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It appears that you’re using the default new materials. Can you select one of the parts and try to change the color in the properties tab? Try sending a video too.

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To change the color of a part with a texture you need to: 1 Select the part with the texture. 2 Go to properties. 3 Click on the arrow next to the part you selected in properties. 4 Click on texture and click on the white square in the texture properties.

Or just use the colors that are next to Material Manager(it only works if the texture is transparent)

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I tried both, I tried using default colours and i tried creating my own and nothing is working
im trying to send a video it keeps coming up with an error lol

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can’t you change the color of the texture

I worked it out, thank you though!

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