I cannot test my own game, please help!

When I go to test my game in Roblox Studio, it crashes and I do not know why. It started a few weeks ago, but just recently I haven’t been able to test my game on the website either, this is a huge problem and is stopping me from designing my game. Is this fixable?
Basically what happens to me (I did not take this video): Roblox Studio | I can't even test my own game!! - YouTube

Edit: Yes, I have checked for viruses and there are none.


Does this happen to any other games that you join? If not, you probably have some thing that’s crashing the game or you could possibly have bad Internet.

No, just my game. I looked into this a bit more, and I am pretty sure its because I am starting a server (nobody is in the game), and it isn’t working because Roblox favors starting servers for big games over small (unheard of) games.

Most likely it’s a problem with your game.

I already checked for bugs/viruses, (by myself and with GameGuard), there is nothing wrong with my game.

Well it doesn’t matter if it’s a virus or not, you could have a loop that doesn’t have a task.wait().

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See if you used loops, loops need a wait inside

while true do

See if you put wait on all or anything that works like that

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I would suggest using

while true do
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I didn’t even think of that! Brb, I’ll check.

Oof, it didn’t work. :frowning:

Your sure your game don’t have virus?

The antivirus dont detect really the virus, only detect scripts that are using external services.

After looking at the specs again, I have come to the conclusion that my computer just isn’t suited for Roblox Studio :sweat_smile:.

Have you tried making sure everything else is closed while using studio? Such as your browser, discord etc and looking for anything else open in the background using task manager?

If everything is closed you MIGHT be able to run it, just with some lag.

Can other people join your game without it crashing?
If they can’t then it’s your game. Probably as stated it’s a script that is looping.
If you can join other games your computer isn’t at fault.

It’s a bit hard to explain, but these two issues started happening at the same time. I had not added any new scripts around the time this started, so I know it is not a script doing this, but most likely it is my computer.

If the game doesn’t play for anyone, it’s the game, not your computer.
If you can play other games, but not yours, it’s probably your game.

Think about troubleshooting the entire problem, not just blaming one thing and accepting it. If you answer my 2 questions above you’ve answered your problem.

Have you added any toolbox models that may have some hidden script in them, or added another Plugin that wasn’t created by it’s original creator then you may have introduced something in your game that’s causing the issue without knowing it.

So if my game has a virus that the Guard doesn’t notice, then how do I get rid of this virus myself?

Are task.wait() and wait() two seperate things or are they the same?

Update: I figured out the problem and I am fixing it now! Thanks for the ideas, guys!

I’m having same issue how did you fix it?