So I’ve made it that when I touch the cylinder inside the purple ring, a script inside the cylinder is supposed to make the selected TextButton visible, but when I tested it, the TextButton remained invisible, despite the TextButton’s Visible property showing up as true, as shown in the photo below:
And not just the Visible property, but all the other properties of the TextButton, and i don’t know why this happens.
So if you know why this happens, please let me know.
From what I can tell you are inside of the StarterGui which is replicated to the PlayerGui, simply go through the player object to edit the GUI as any changes made to the StarterGui will not show up.
I had this problem a few months ago, and I was super frustrated. The problem here is probably because you are changing the textbox’s property in the startergui, and not in the player’s playergui.
About the playergui
Basically, whenever someone joins the game, everything inside of the startergui is cloned, and put in their playergui. The player can only see and interact with guis in their playergui. That’s right, when you playtest, you are not looking at the guis that are in startergui, you are actually clicking and seeing copies of the guis in startergui.
how can you find the playergui?
The playergui is a folder that is a child of the player’s instance.
How can I edit guis inside of someone’s playergui?
First of all, to learn more about the playergui, you should playtest, and in “Players” you should find your player. In your player, you should see the playergui, which contains a copy of all the guis in the startergui when he joined the game.
Now, let’s say we have a screengui in startergui, and in that startergui we have the textbox. In your case, the script should be something like this:Connect
local player = -- however you get the player
local textBox = player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Textbox
textBox.Text = "hello"
Thanks a lot! When I first encountered this problem and had no idea what to do, it made me lose hope on being able to develop my game, but now i’ve gotten that lost hope back!