I can't change the thumbnail to Xmas event version

We have just released the Christmas update to Secret Staycation.
While the English thumbnail was successfully published, we were unable to publish the Japanese thumbnail.
Since the majority of our players are based in Japan, we would greatly appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.

Here is the video:

Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations/experiences/5254920366/localization/translation?activeLocaleCode=ja_jp

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Greetings! I am looking into this problem now.

Is the problem shown in the video occurring for the exact thumbnail you are trying to use, or does using a different image work? Also, is this occurring for Japanese specifically, or do you have other languages that you have failed/succeeded with?

Would you be comfortable with sharing the image you are attempting to use for your thumbnail so that I can perform some tests with it on my side?

Finally, if possible it’d be useful to get some more network related info from what you are attempting to do:

  • Open up the page url you posted on Google Chrome
  • Right click on the page and click “Inspect”. This should open up a console.
  • Click on the “Network” tab
  • If there is data here, click the clear button (green arrow on attached screenshot)
  • Try uploading and saving your thumbnail; the network tab should populate with some data.
  • Click the export HAR button (green circle on attached screenshot). Then, share it here. This will provide me a bit more in depth info on exactly what is happening.


Hello! When you try again can you let me know if it works? We made a small spot check on our end.

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Hello @thirdtakeonit and @cleverfool97.
Thank you very much for your response.
I tried again, and I could upload the thumbnail successfully.
I deeply appreciate for the prompt fix.

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Lovely! Have a wonderful holiday season.


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