I can't change the walking speed of my custom starter character

My custom starter character, Helsho, is not changing his speed when I change my StarterPlayer. Here is the code for his animation.

local cas = game:GetService("ContextActionService")
local char = script.Parent
local humanoid = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local walkAnim = script:WaitForChild("Walk")
local walkAnimTrack = humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(walkAnim)

	if speed > 0 then
		if not walkAnimTrack.IsPlaying then
		if walkAnimTrack.IsPlaying then

I hope this helps.

Where in the script are you trying to change the speed??? The problem is probably that you didn’t modify the walking speed at all lol.

The walkspeed of a StarterCharacter is determined by the Humanoid inside of the StarterCharacter, not what you set the StarterPlayer walkspeed to.
Try setting the Humanoids walkspeed to what your trying to change it to.

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I added the script because I don’t know if there was anything in there causing the problem. I said I was changing the walkspeed via the StarterPlayer