I cant delete topics

When trying to delete topics, even when i am the owner, it will result in this:

thus i have to resort to flagging it, use the Something Else category & add the reason for deletion

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This is intentional, do you want someone to delete a topic that has 1,000 replies and 100,000 views?

no, i have less than that & i still could not delete it

Why do you want to delete your older posts? What if people are looking for solutions to their problems?

I have several of them that are no longer necessary

Not necessary for you, it might be necessary for someone else

But according to a person at the FMT, they said this:

This is a default template when the moderator sees your “Something Else” flag

This is intentional, we do not allow self-deletion of topics that already have some activity outside of your own post or after some time threshold.

Please only use the moderator escalation path if it is critical that your topic is deleted for privacy/security reasons. That’s what it’s intended for. Any other kind of topic is appropriate to stay on the forum since your topic contains information and replies from other people.