(DISCLAIMER: this is not supposed to be a driveable train.)
Hey all! I’ve been looking into this for a while, and I cannot seem to figure out the best way to pull this off. I’ve been trying to create a smoothly curving train system for my game. I have created a working prototype, as seen here. But it doesn’t function great. So I’m searching for an alternative.
The issue is it just tweens node to node and doesn’t function very smoothly. There’s also an issue with the train cars, where after turning the distance between them can mess up. Causing clipping issues. TweenService in my opinion isn’t the greatest option since the player can’t actually stay on top of the train itself for some reason. That and the fact that it does derail off of the track slightly. There’s also the issue of the track itself, which isn’t very smooth at all. I’ve been trying to find a way to make the curves on it extremely smooth and barely noticeable.
Any plugin recommendations to help make the track extremely smooth? Not gap-fill since it inserts way too many parts. On top of that, how would I make the train smoothly go across that track? Jailbreak and The Wild West have basically perfected this. The same goes for most Roblox train games. I just need help figuring out how exactly they pulled it off so well. There’s also the precise curves that I want to try and pull off too. Hopefully this post made sense, this is my first post on the DevForum.
Thank you!