I can't figure out how to put light on my ceiling

I’m trying to find out how to put light in my house.
I can’t seem to get light in my house with the SurfaceLight Effect, how do I put it up on the ceiling?

I’m not understanding how to put light up on my ceiling. I’m unsure if this goes under scripting or building.


I normally use a point light, it should work just fine

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Where can I find the point light? Can you provide screenshots?

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So make sure you add a part and then you add a point light inside that part.

Right click on your light and click “Insert Object”. Once you do that, either scroll for it or search for it.

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I keep on getting this block when I hit insert object.

Yes, good, in the properties you can change brightness and the distance to where it has effect, then obviously put your part to the ceiling and dont forget to anchor it, the thing you are doing, is putting a part in a pointlight, while you should put the pointlight in the part as a child of the part, this should fix your issue

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Your welcome, what are you working on? :3 or is it secret? :slight_smile:

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Nice :slight_smile: good luck further, feel free to tag me if you have similar problems later on

Also, what do you recommend my brightness to be?

Well depends on what character the hut should have, but i’d put it on a maximum of 25 and a minimum of 5(might be incorrect values lol, learned some lighting in something else then roblox, but probably i said correct xd)


I hit insert part now, correct?

xd no, you first put the part in workspace, locate it, then click plus and add a pointlight into the part

Uh yeah about that I have a little problem.

Don’t forget to change the value of the range

What do you recommend for range? Sorry I’m new to lighting.

I’d say, experiment with it, just drag it to the left and right and look what suits you, also try placing lighting as far from walls as posibble

The thing is my roof on the bottom floor is the floor to the top floor so it just goes in the floor.

You mean that you have multiple floors and that it gives light in the floor of the floor above?

A much easier solution rather than adding lights everywhere is turning the ambience up.

You can do this by hitting on ‘Lighting’, going on the properties tab, hit ‘Ambient’ and turn the colour up to white.

Also turn the ‘OutdoorAmbient’ up.

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