I can't fix test-mode studio's layout

Whenever I start a local server test or play solo test the same three plugins will always add themselves to the studio layout for server & clients and I can’t find a way to prevent this. This doesn’t happen in normal studio sessions though (but it may have happened in the first studio session which I opened today, and then I could have fixed it but the fix didn’t apply to the local server tests maybe).

These kinds of layout problems happen often so I’m not sure if this is the first time the issue has happened to me. But I know it wasn’t a problem for me yesterday or the day before, and it has become a problem today.


The layout isn’t saved prior to you launching the test clients/server. Layout is only currently saved on exit from Studio. So you’d need to first set the layout you want, then exit Studio, then restart and your client/server should have the correct layout.

I thought testing layouts were saved independently when the test was exited? So even if it was wrong initially, I should be able to fix it.

More generally, I’ve restarted studio multiple times in the past couple days and sometimes the layout is still broken every time I launch Studio.

For example when I opened Studio today those three plugins were in their bad configuration in edit mode (despite me fixing the layout problem yesterday). I closed them, then opened Studio again as you suggested, and the problem was fixed in edit mode (for now), but not in test mode which is still broken. My guess is that the edit mode reset will happen again tomorrow…

Also it’s worth mentioning that this is just bad UX. Restarting studio is kind of tedious, and it’s especially annoying when you have lots of different place files open at the same time :confused: Studio is isn’t like Visual Studio where you have one all-powerful application. In Studio it is normal to have multiple windows open at the same time, which makes this layout stuff more painful.

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Thanks for the explanation. There does appear to be a regression in when the test layouts are saved, it seems pretty random, we’ll dig in more to understand how.

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Hi, there is for sure an issue with the layout being set incorrectly for server/client in test mode. Here’s the work around for now:

Set the layout how you want it (they are going to be identical across all three).
Exit your studio so the layout saves

In Studio Settings, enable “Studio → Test → Load All Built In Plugins In Test Mode” (and Load User Plugins in Test Mode)

Now if you run a local test, you’ll see that the server and client have the same layout as the Studio instance that launched it.