I can't import from Blender 2.92

Hello. I’m trying to import a file into Blender from Studio.
I use Blender 2.92

This is the part

I import it as a OBJ file

But it doesnt show up

Can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.

OBJ File: PartForDevForum.obj (1.6 KB)

Edit: Reinstalling Blender and Studio did not fix the issue.

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I had this issue aswell, all I did was reinstall studio and blender and it worked again. Hope this helped.

Alright, I’ll try that right now.

Edit: Reinstalling did not fix the problem

Have you tried scaling it up? It looks like the selection box is detecting something, but it is just really small.

Yea, like i’ve zoomed all the way in, scaled it to a 100, etc etc. Can’t see it at all.

Could you post the .obj file so we could see if it is a problem with the Studio export or the Blender import?

Sure, I put it into the post at the bottom.

Zoom out. It’s still there, you just don’t see it.

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Thank you.
Now I feel stupid smh

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set the position of the part to 0, 0, 0. its super far out in the map. then it will work

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Import the object to Blender, without clicking anywhere else, go to either of these options:

  • Right click and select one of these options

  • Top of viewport w/ object selected


THEN either

  • Press N on keyboard, set Location to 0

  • Shift+S, drag cursor to option

This resets the imported object’s origin to the mesh itself, then brings it to the center of your Blender viewport. Alternatively, you can export the object from Studio while it’s at the direct center of your Studio space (0,0,0). In short, it’s based on its location in Studio from where you’ve exported it.


It could be that the imported object’s location is far away, this can be a bit of an issue and I remember my model was really far away from the point of origin. Zoom out a bit in blender and use your mover to see whether you can drag it into focus.

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This is the proper method, follow these instructions.

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