Hello, I need help importing this mesh into studio, it is under 10,000 triangles and I am trying to import it in .obj format. Here is what it looks like:
When I try to bulk import it via the asset manager window in studio it starts the import but doesn’t finish. I receive an error message telling me it has retried too many times and it doesn’t work, please help
I just tested this out because I wasn’t sure. You can import .obj and .fbx files using the bulk importer.
The Numbers_Export_Group are all .fbx, and the Dumbbell and BarBell are .obj
I think I remember something unique about .fbx bulk file uploads… Something about how you can export a whole group of assets as one .fbx file, but so long as they’re separate objects in Blender, won’t be considered a single object in Studio (like how .objs work). I don’t know if this is still true, however.
Either way @Precisero, I know you’ve tried the Bulk Importer, but have you tried just uploading straight to a MeshPart? There’s no reason the Bulk Importer shouldn’t be working, but try the other methods of asset importing as a temporary workaround.
Don’t mark my post as a solution if it didn’t solve your problem
Can you show us pictures (or better yet, a video) of your actions and the resulting error message, as well as giving us the file to try and upload ourselves?
I’m almost certain there’s something going wrong on your end, since there’s nothing suggesting that any of the methods shouldn’t be working