I cant learn scripting

Kill all button as in gui or what


Practice. When I first started I tried making a simulator, and I was so bad that I had to watch youtube videos on every single thing I did. But after a couple weeks of that I had learned some new skills. I then got bored of the simulator, so started working on a sword fighting game, and I learned other skills like how to make a rounds system, how to make gui shops, how to make crate opening systems etc. Basically, just start basic, look things up, and overtime you will just get better.


he stole my rice a gui button and XdJacky that is the stage im at now the simulator


Just a quick tip
When talking about someone on the Dev Forum you can use @ to tag someone
So for example @BloxxedCode :wink:


Thanks im quite new i didnt know that


Yep watching videos is not enough to learn to script, you need to do some more projects and practice. It’s like learning without doing the correct amount of homework :stuck_out_tongue:

Here are some examples I did:

  1. Invis torso tool

  2. Touch event that clones a boulder in a random velocity like a boulder trap

  3. Click detector that changes color and a kill brick all in one.

Plus a lot more like a constraint vehicle from the Roblox car kit and modifying it to make a weird unicycle that aligns itself upright using a BodyMover and CFrames.


Feel free to look at the bad code I made back then :sob:


Also my quick tips

Watch tutorials
Look at some guides
The most i know about scripts is about looking into them, you can grab free model for example Zombie or more advanced like Teleport Pad, and read the scripts, you might understand it
Roblox uses lua, so you can take look at lua also.
Good Luck In Scripting!
And have an awesome day! :wink:


Simply watching wont be enough. The one thing I do when watching tutorials is I take notes (writing the thing down gets it to stick in your brain better)


That is a very good idea thanks


I’ve been doing code for two weeks and many things are still complicated for me, I have to keep practicing and learning… I wishes you a lot of motivation and keep learning.


Whoaaaa, that’s really old fashion, reminds me of my AP computer science days especially writing code with a pencil during the exam :sob:

I don’t advise this as we got laptops to store the code now and we can just use comments to note down things we learned just keep multiple place files in your Documents folder somewhere. Plus my handwriting is bad that might be why.


This is how i learned it aswell, I started out by just looking at videos and making a project that was way to hard for me to just ranomdly do, then i started working on more things and grew by just doing it.


True however I think it’s easier to go back into a notebook to review on something, but that’s my unique opinion.


You’ve already failed then if you say you can’t learn it. You are having a hard time because you are trying to do something that you can’t. It’s gonna make your really frustrated with yourself. You gotta practice it man, I started months ago with no Lua experience and here I am today. You just gotta practice!


What I did in 2017 is I watched alvinblox’s tutorials and write down the code all along, memorize certain words like BrickColor, while true do, local and from that I would try to structure my own code.

Your first projects don’t need to be huge but practice makes improvement, try to search up what you want to do on google and it may lead you to a devforum post where you may be able to get the code and then examine It’s functions and events and be able to use them for your own use when you memorize them. Scripting is just about memory, even me I sometimes have to search up online how to use basic stuff like clickdetectors.


Thats a good idea! I wish I did that when i was starting out…


So what you must do is continue to learn Lua and test your code in a Compiler. example test your code here
Search “Lua Online Compiler & Interpreter - Replit

So search lua beginner tutorials even if it is not roblox related you must learn how to use the Lua programming language.

*Also if you are in school join coding classes or any thing related to computer programming since alot of the stuff is the same even for other languages or go join a intership at a company.

Join discord group where people want to learn lua and learn from other people there.


I’ve been coding for over a year and a half almost 2 years and I still run into things every day where I go " how is this even meant to work " even if you learn all the syntax and basics and math equations you will still be stuck wondering how to do something everyday you script if your really trying to make quality stuff, I can only see myself say 5 or 6 years down the road or longer saying to almost every issue “yeah I could just do this or this instantly” regardless I almost always figure my issues out but it takes alot more time than it would say 5 years from now. Just keep going I am in studio like a minimum 12 hours a day for the past few months and I’m getting alot better just by being consistant with it even if im doing the same stuff over and over consistancy is key.


Also computer programming is very logical

Think of how would your computer read what you type to it what way of communication would you use Lua bridges the communication gap and Lua follows a certain rules like all programming language follows almost the same rule the thing is it looks different in other language for example take the print in lua it is
print("hello world")
Now look C# another programming language.
Console.WriteLine("hello world")
Both does the same thing but used in different language.

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Yeah as he said code is logical so it literally will do what you type so if your trying to check for all humanoids in game and kill them and wonder why it’s killing you it’s because you didn’t say don’t kill mine, it doesn’t take those things into account you have to tell it exactly what you want such as for a Touched event, it will touch every part in your body over and over unless you tell it to only touch one and not do it over and over you have to mesh things and bend them to your likes and when people do this exceptionally well you get a front page game and bank.

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