I can't listen to audio track in ROBLOX studio

So, I’m trying to make a sound effect for my old TV model in Roblox studio:

Here I have the video of what I did.

I made a script for the audio but that’s like for turning the tv on and off and whatever:

But it doesn’t have any errors, is all good like in the video.

ANY help? please?


So first things first, check please if audio volume is not 0 in the roblox studio. Because I had this bug before a lot of times, and in 99% of cases this was problem that I mentioned

Not a issue with your code, check the settings on your audio, the sound may be too quiet to hear or you have looped off.

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Where is the audio located?
Your script says
TV = script.Parent
sound = TV.AudioTV
but is AudioTV actually a direct child of the same item the script is a child of?
If you want a sound to play from the tv it must be a child of a Part or an Attachment in the tv as stated in the link.

As the others have mentioned, check your sound Properties to see what they are set for.
I’d look at Volume, PlaybackSpeed, Looped, RollOffMinDistance and RollOffMaxDistance for starters.
When you test the audio by clicking on the green arrow in the Preview Property, does it play?

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Heyyy!!! I finally fixed it!! I just restarted my pc and it worked

If its loud is because im too close of the tv sorry

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