I cant log in - login failed, please try again later

I have personally contacted Roblox Support, and they have sent me steps on how to supposedly fix it, and have also said that this has been happening to a lot of developers. Though it is also still bugging even after following those.

If I get a working response, Ill make sure to post it here though.

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Could you share what was sent? Also could you try my solution to see if it works

They have send me that this is a common issue amongst developers and that the steps below have worked for some:

General Roblox Studio Issues

And in there (from what I understand) for macOs you only can really reinstall studio which I tried.

Also, I can’t really install the mod manager, as I am running macOs and .exe files don’t exist.

Definitely time consuming, but it works. :pray:

Yea i have the same issue, tried reinstalling multiple times didn’t work. Might be a bug on mac but not sure. Very annoying cant develop anything hopefully fix soon

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thank you, this worked for me :pray: :pray: :pray: I’ve been having this for a while

This is really annoying. Anytime my computer is untouched for a few hours, studio completely bugs out. It becomes stuck on “logging in”. Reinstalling and ending the application via task manager are ineffective. I am forced to reboot my computer every time.

Just gonna reply for the sake of replying, but it seems like the Wednesday update fixed this issue, at least for me.

Hopefully we don’t encounter this issue again in the future

That happens to me also. I already messaged the Roblox support and they said like 3 days ago that they are aware of this issue and are working on it!

Did this problem got solved for you? Because I have the same thing with the frozen screen. I really tried everything, clearing cookies, clearing caches, reinstalling, restarting, reboot internet…

Moreover, I messaged the Roblox Support and of course send them log messages from the MacOS Console as my platform is also a MacBook Pro.

Also a thing that I notice was, that when I login via the Website I get an email with a location (a city in my case) but when I try to login into Roblox Studio my screen freezes like in your previous post and also an email comes in my inbox which says as location “Unknown”. Maybe something is also wrong here.

(I will ping Focia19, so we possibly have a change to get an answer from Roblox’s end)

I have the same issue for Mac since Wednesday/Thursday. I cannot log in because of that white screen. I tried deleting the app and reinstalling but it won’t let me install it either, the installer cannot be opened. Hopefully a roblox staff sees this because we can’t work without Studio…

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Me too. I just tried to flush my DNS and start without plugins but that doesn’t work.

When monitoring one log message made me think:

Could not signal service com.apple.WebKit.WebContent: 113: Could not find specified service

Maybe here the problem is or another message (even with a red indicator meaning error):

CLIENT ERROR: TUINSRemoteViewController does not override -<private> and thus cannot react to catastrophic errors beyond logging them

@Focia19 Please look into this issue and help us fix this. We cannot access Roblox Studio, even a DNS cleanup, reinstalls, updates and shutdowns don’t work! Thanks!

My current studio version is:

Screenshot of my Macbook:

Another thing I noticed (maybe it is important for debugging and finding the error): When I log in via the Website, I don’t get redirected I just stay on a white page (Screenshot provided) and the white screen stays there forever. That is the same white screen as of the Login Popup in Roblox Studio.


I hope this detail helps fixing the bug!

Hey @GameComposer

Sorry for the late reply!

I just checked the internal ticket and from the engineers’ discussion it looks like the issue was fixed on Monday, you should be able to log in now without any problem!

Thank you for your patience!

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i’m getting this issue still but on Windows 11 and i just tried reinstalled studio


I am also still getting this issue. I’ve tried everything.


I’ve also started to receive this issue today. I was logged in earlier but suddenly I am now logged out and no log in method or account works.


No problem. I am happy to hear from you!

For me (MacBook) the issue was solved just by deleting the Roblox-Studio .plist files in Library > Preferences.

Thanks for your help!

Have a nice day!

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