I can't log into studio no matter what

Hello, no matter what I do I am not able to log into Studio. I’m experiencing trouble accessing Roblox Studio, and it’s crucial that I log in urgently. I’ve tried all of these methods so far:

  • Fully uninstalling Roblox & Roblox Studio multiple times.
  • Attempting to use an earlier version of Studio using the mod launcher.
  • Installing a new browser to try and log in.
  • Attempting to log in using another device, but it wouldn’t let me.
  • Disabling any proxy settings that could be causing the problem.
  • Running Roblox studio as admin.
  • Deleting window credentials relating to Roblox Studio
  • Fully restarting my PC.
  • Fully restarting my WIFI & Ethernet.
  • Changing my DNS, and performing a DNS Flush.

No matter what I do, I can’t log in, and I need to log in soon because I have a game that needs to be released in 2 days. Here’s the trailer for the game. Please help me access my Studio.


A private message is associated with this bug report


same, also cannot log into studio…

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This has been an issue for me for quite some time. I mostly just wait one day and the other day it usually works. Or you can try logging in from another account?


maybe the server went down or your pc have problem, can you tell me your pc full specs?

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Hi we need a log for this. Can you log into creator hub just fine?

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Having the same problem now again too but it only came back after 17 days when I got a 1 day ban.

Edit (2:02PM CET) : Works now again.

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Experiencing this same issue, this really sucks man. It’s been a week since my 1 day ban and I still cannot log in no matter what I do.

Okay so after troubleshooting this issue, I found out it is most likely being caused by a networking issue. Common fixes are Flushing your DNS, Turning off your VPN, or Publicizing your Internet (aka turn off Cloudflare WARP, NordVPN), etc…

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Hi, I wanted to share an update with you all. After a lengthy conversation with Roblox Staff, and figuring out many solutions, we found a temporary fix for my login issue using a VPN. It turns out that my internet provider, T-Mobile, assigns dynamic IP addresses to its users, causing my IP to switch rapidly, which prevented me from logging onto studio. So, the temporary solution I found was to use a VPN to log in.

For a permanent fix, I contacted my internet provider and had them switch my IP from dynamic to static. Now, everything is working fine. :pray: I hope this helps others who might be facing similar issues.


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