I Can't make this Part Slid back and Fourth

Hi again

I want to make this part slid back and fourth but it is getting a error saying z does not exist.

while true do
	script.Parent.CFrame.Position.Z = 102.983
    wait (.8)
	script.Parent.CFrame.Position.Z = 39.783

--- We want here 1st 185.629, 10.5, 102.983
--- We want here 2nd 185.629, 10.5, 39.783

You can’t set XYZ separately as they’re read only, you have to do it like this

while true do
	script.Parent.Position = Vector3.new(185.629,10.5,102.983)
    wait (.8)
	script.Parent.Position = Vector3.new(185.629,10.5,39.783)

--- We want here 1st 185.629, 10.5, 102.983
--- We want here 2nd 185.629, 10.5, 39.783

Also wait, why are you getting the CFrame and then the Position? You can reference it immediately via script.Parent.Position

It works with 1 edit

while true do
	script.Parent.Position = Vector3.new(185.629,10.5,102.983)
	wait (.8)
	script.Parent.Position = Vector3.new(185.629,10.5,39.783)

--- We want here 1st 185.629, 10.5, 102.983
--- We want here 2nd 185.629, 10.5, 39.783

But its not sliding the part like back and fourth it just disappears then comes back to the right position

The of course repeats.

You need to tween it then

local ts = game:GetService("TweenService")

local part = script.Parent

local info = TweenInfo.new(0.8)

local tween1 = ts:Create(part,info,{Position = Vector3.new(185.629,10.5,102.983)})
local tween2 = ts:Create(part,info,{Position = Vector3.new(185.629,10.5,39.783)})

while true do

--- We want here 1st 185.629, 10.5, 102.983
--- We want here 2nd 185.629, 10.5, 39.783

Forgot to close those dictionaries

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