I can't manually weld part correctly

I’m making a rifle and I’m stuck at welding gun to hand. I tried the most basic “Handle” method but it looks like this.


Then I made a manual weld script,

local tool = script.Parent.Parent

	local m = Instance.new("Weld", tool.PrimaryPart)
	m.Name = "HandWeld"
	m.Part0 = tool.HandlePart
	m.Part1 = tool.Parent.RightHand
	m.C0 = tool.HandlePart.HandleAttachment.CFrame
	m.C1 = tool.Parent.RightHand.RightGripAttachment.CFrame

And it looks like this:

I didn’t even add C0 and C1 on the revolver but it works fine on it. (I tried rotating attachments but nothing worked).

However, it shall look like this:


Any help would be appreciated.

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Couldn’t you try to change the grip of the tool instead of welding it to a character’s/the player’s hand?

Or you really want to use welding?

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Hello, I suggest you to refrain from using Weld. Instead, use WeldConstraint.

This is because if you use Weld, you will have to manually set CFrame of parts that are being welded together by Weld.C0 and Weld.C1, but if you use WeldConstraint, you don’t need to manually set CFrame of those parts; thus using WeldConstraint should fix your problem.

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That’ll probably break the animations.

I’ll try later and update the topic.

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Unfortunetaly, didn’t work. Rifle didn’t even weld to my hand somehow.

I changed the welded part to primarypart (handle of the rifle) and it’s like this now:

Tried everything, still doesn’t work. Does anyone have a suggestion?