I cant move both parts of model to the position

hello, so basically its 2nd post because I cant move the petability and the other part in the model to the position, this script makes it so that you spin because pet is not massless but you cant see them

here’s the script

local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

rs.specialrocks["pet-e"].OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, tool)
	local pet = game.ServerStorage.abilities.petability
	local char = plr.Character
	local humrootpart = char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
	local clonedpet = pet:Clone()
	clonedpet.petability.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Bright blue")
	clonedpet.petability.CanCollide = false
	clonedpet.petability.Parent = char
	clonedpet:PivotTo(humrootpart.CFrame * CFrame.new(-2, -2, 3))

	local weld = Instance.new("WeldConstraint")
	weld.Parent = clonedpet.petability
	weld.Part0 = humrootpart
	weld.Part1 = clonedpet.petability
	tool:SetAttribute("damage", (tool:GetAttribute("damage") + 20))
	tool:SetAttribute("power", (tool:GetAttribute("power") + 50))
	tool:SetAttribute("damage",(tool:GetAttribute("damage") - 20))
	tool:SetAttribute("power", (tool:GetAttribute("damage") - 50))

no errors

nevermind i fixed it myself, quite stupid problem tbh

Could you perhaps still share your solution, as it would help other Developers who are facing similar issues.

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