I can't move my camera

I want to move my camera in run mode but I can’t. I don’t know why.

It may look the same but i move the mouse. I tried resetting studio settings but it didn’t work. Please help me :skull:


Is this only in one place or other places too?

It’s because of a new beta feature in this recent update.

You can turn off “New Studio Camera Controls” in Beta Features.

It didn’t appear in beta features

Are you unable to move with WASD or are you not able to look around with your mouse? I ask because the new update affects WASD and not mouse movements.

Yes, including WASD, Mouse and focusing at an object. I turn off all the beta features but still has the same issue but I can move it with view selector

Your camera type might be on fixed. Open the properties tab and click on camera in the explorer. Check what the camera type is and switch it to follow(im pretty sure this is the one). You can read about camera types here