When I use the move function (or the scale function) it does not allow me to move a part into the ground, and when can collide is on, it doesn’t allow me to move it into certain parts as well. Why is this happening?
I don’t get what the issue is. Are you not able to move a part through another one while collisions is off?
Or if it’s anything else, please explain it.
Oh sorry - I meant to put it there but I accidently posted it here.
this is what happens - I either have to make it go down super fast or it just hits the ground and stops moving when I try to use the arrows.
Also, I suggest skipping to 0:30
Do you have Collisions turned on in Studio? If so then try turning it off. It is found in the Home tab as well as the Model tab next to the tools such as Move, Scale, and Rotate.
Yeah, I’ve tried turning collisions off. It stopped it from happening with some other parts, but doesn’t fix it from hitting the ground and stopping.
edit: It stops the unions from blocking it, and parts don’t block it even with cancollide on
So what you’re trying to say is that it’s colliding with terrain?
It’s colliding with terrain, and if I don’t turn cancollide off it will also collide with unions.
Oh never mind, it still collides with some parts, not just unions.
Can you post a full screen screenshot of what you’re working with?
Do you want a video recording of the whole studio, or just a screenshot? If so, what should I screenshot/video record?
Click that Collisions button at the top of the screen directly under Model.
That fixed it, I thought the canCollide property and the Collisions button did the same thing. Sorry for the trouble
No worries! I had the same thing happen to me before and I was so confused for the longest time. Good luck with future game development!