I Cant Select anything!

Help, I cant select anything in Roblox studio, i can’t move parts by simply selecting them, I checked if they are Locked and they are not , and then i updated Roblox studio and still nothing was movable, restarted Pc? Still nothing.

I can move around but can’t select parts, and that’s a problem because i have “ClickDetector” in some parts and even in game i cant select them.



it literally showed you the blue highlight in the viewport when you hovered over the part. have you tried moving your camera

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Im not talking about selecting the thing in the explorer tab im talking about in game if you see i cant select parts by clicking them, what would normally happen if clicking the part would make it have a blue highlight.

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im not talking about the explorer

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but i still can’t click anything in the viewerport look:

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I’m not a huge fan of that dragger update, try modifing in the roblox studio stuff inside “selection” category

It might be related to that update, if it’s not the update it may be some locked part blocking the way, so try maybe unlocking all the map, check if CanQuery is true too in the part properties

if the part is inside a model while your hovering it, use left alt (you probably already know that, but we never know)

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didn’t seem like any of those solved, So i did change the settings it did not work, The CanQuery do seem to be True, I do appreciate you reaching out tho, i did notice something else now wich doesn’t allow me to use the [MOVE] tool… So like everything related to the viewer tab is
not working. :slightly_frowning_face:

again appreciate the help!

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open output inside the VIEW menu and send a screenshot

For the selection: I remember having the identical issue, but I reinstalled studio and that resolved it.

*For the moving thing: I think that the Wifi is at fault because i had a similar thing as well

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i had the exact issue long time ago but I don’t remember exactly how I fixed it

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check in your beta features if you have “Dragger QoL Improvements”, if you have it, removed it, restart and try

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i did, i restarted, still nothing. : (

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ohhhh I think I know what’s happening, do you have any GUI?


ye, and i can select them when i make them visible. Got any idea?

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Go to view and turn off UI visibility


disable all your gui, directly in the gui


OOOooooOMYGAHHHH, Thank you guys : D

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I already got the issue, some GUI are blocking your screen and they block you from interacting with the 3D viewport space, simply turn the off in VIEW menu, are just disable them individually.

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