I Cant Unlock My Account Pin

So i was playing roblox one day when my little brother thought it would be funny to lock my account with a pin. It isn’t. So now i cant chat, i cant use private chat with friends, i cant use a lot of features in some games, and i cant change any of my settings. I found out what the PIN was using roblox support and every time i put in the PIN correctly it says: Incorrect PIN.


Roblox support gave out all the pins, so they wont be able to supply any more new ones. They can reset it if forgotten. Contact them via the support form @ Roblox Support.

Make sure YOU contact them via the same email your roblox account uses, tell them you forgot the pin for (username).
They may send an email again for confirmation, then it will be unlocked.

This process can take up to 2 weeks.


You can message builderman personally. Do your research, builderman used to be able to be contacted, but now he had just gotten too many they forward it to roblox support.