I cant upload shirts... ive been trying for the past day and nothing has worked

Hey all,

These past few days i’ve been staying up all night, designing my holiday collection for my clothing group and I finally got done this morning. I went to go upload it imminently since i’m behind schedule for the release, and it seems every time i go to upload it, it gives me an error and tells me to try again later. i’ve been trying all day and nothing has changed. i also went back and made sure it wasn’t a mistake on my end, (checking template size, correct format… ect.) and i cannot find a solution. if anyone knows whats wrong, please let me know as soon as possible! i also attached a screenshot below of the exact error message. Thanks!

sorry this question you have changed the name roblox now it is very weak due to copyright in the same way I will see if the same thing happens to me too