am trying to disable collision on a unionoperation but i cant get it to work
if DisableCollision:IsA("UnionOperation") then
DisableCollision.CanCollide = false
IsA(“BasePart”) doesnt work either
am trying to disable collision on a unionoperation but i cant get it to work
if DisableCollision:IsA("UnionOperation") then
DisableCollision.CanCollide = false
IsA(“BasePart”) doesnt work either
whats the output say on the error
Then perhaps the path toward the union is nil. I suggest you debug your code, since it was able to work for me.
For debugging, execute in the command bar the following line;
For my own test, I used this code;
local union = game.Workspace.ThisPartIsaUnion
if union:IsA("UnionOperation") then
union.CanCollide = false
On this part;
For this result;
18:21:27.929 L_cuff - Server - SlingHandler:44
18:21:27.932 R_cuff - Server - SlingHandler:44
18:21:27.934 PrimaryCuff - Server - SlingHandler:44
18:21:27.936 PickUpScript - Server - SlingHandler:44
L_cuff and r_cuff is the unionoperation, but IsA() isnt picking it up
If there is multiple, maybe using the following will work;
for i, v in DisableCollision do
if v:IsA("UnionOperation") then
v.CanCollide = false
If that does not fix the issue, please provide a more clear overview of the problem with more copies of the script, output window messages and screenshots like the objects in the Explorer
Am using for i,v
Your example is what am trying to do but it doesnt work
do these Screenshots give anything? i cant really give a game because its a whole thing and needs a couple modules for it
also its not erroring anything
nevermind I forgot something before am stupid
Thank you for being helpful
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