Can anyone help me, with this certain task you need to be able to open a door while having the tool in hand but you can’t use proximity prompts with the tool in hand, can someone please help me?
Have you tried turning ‘RequiresLineOfSight’ off?
Yes, it doesn’t work either, the prompt shows, but when clicking the keycode, nothing happens unlike it’s supposed to.
Could you show the script that handles the event upon triggering the proximityprompt?
local prox = script.Parent.Door.ProximityPrompt
local hinge = script.Parent.Hinge
local cframe = hinge.CFrame
prox.Triggered:Connect(function ()
if prox.ActionText == "Open" then
prox.ActionText = "Close"
hinge.CFrame = hinge.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90), 0)
elseif prox.ActionText == "Close" then
prox.ActionText = "Open"
hinge.CFrame = cframe
If the issue is that nothing is happening when you try to trigger it, are you sure the ActionText is set to “Open” or “Close” by default?
Yes, i am, the issue only occurs when a tool is in hand
hey may I borrow a stripped down model/just a model of the door so I can try fixing it hands on if that’s ok?