I Changed, the Topbar icon to circular!

Here is the game link Topbar Changed - Roblox, love some feedback.

There are no CoreGui edited, it’s just UI
Note: there maybe some small overlaying, but sadly I can’t fix it, it really depends on how your Device display scale is


That’s very interesting never seen that before. Good job :+1:


I just happen to be looking at topics related to changing the topbar. Might I ask how you managed this?

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How did you do this by chance?

How… how did you even change it?

Everyone who wanna know he probably just got a UI and positioned it behind it


a tip roblox menu ui is in offset not scale

The UI Is completely offset, also I can see you may have gotten confused, but ill explain it

if you have display scale to a smaller value, the icon may look like it Overlaying a bit, depending on window size

Smaller value

Bigger value

That is just how any application works on a device, It depends on how big or small your display scale is.

hmm well yea i did misunderstood lol thanks

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Wow, very creative to make this.
Nice job. :+1:

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Very nice! I like the design you took to go with!

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